Friday 13 September 2013

This week's smiles....week 35

Phew!  My feet really don't feel as though they have touched the ground since last Friday and even though it's been a really manic week I have still found lots to smile about.

Firstly I must thank all for joining in the fun last week and tell you which blog I am featuring this week.....It just had to be some oldies but goodies that Sam posted this week.  As they say.....out of the mouths of babes eh?  :-)  Thanks Sam, I certainly had a good chuckle at them.

My photos to make you smile include snaps of my 5 gorgeous grandchildren and their Mummies who all came to tea this week....the first time I've had them all together to test out my Fun pages so lots of photos were taken to share with you all.......

As you can see the fun pages were a huge hit with all the munchkins and I have to admit I sat grinning from ear to ear watching them all playing with them.  Hope you have enjoyed my smiles for this week and will link up to your own smiley posts below.
Annie x


  1. How lucky they all are to have a grandma like you - and how lucky you are to have such lovely grand children. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos Annie and so glad the pages were a huge success.

  2. Friday the 13th but I'm not stoopa- stitchous! Your fun pages look like they are on a winner!! Love the photos

  3. Looks like the pages are a fabulous success! What a gorgeous set of munchkins you have!

  4. So much fun for so many munchkins! x Jo

  5. Aww Bless Annie. They look really engrossed with these pages, but I think I would be too! Gorgeous piccies.

  6. I simply HAD to stop by and get my Friday smile. Love the way the munchkins have taken to those handmade books. What a great reason to smile, too. Best investment in time and materials you could have made!

  7. That's super! They really are having fun and how clever you are to make them those lovely books.
    Jo x

  8. Great fun idea. Love those pages. And who couldn't smile at these adorable little ones. Annie you are a good grandma, wanted to say great but you're not that old. Enjoy the weekend.

  9. ohooo how odd, I linked before I went to work! I was number two! Next to Neet, just like in the comments. Thanks for letting me know I wasn't there! I do love your fun books!

  10. How lovely to see that your hard work on those pages was appreciated so much. The munchkins look completely engrossed. Thanks for hosting. Caro x (#6)

  11. They look totally absorbed in the pages.
    And oh those curls - so beautiful!

  12. Hi Aniie, aww so lovely! Thank you for the smile and for your kind comment.
    Our GD is doing well and we hope next month's check up will be a good one.
    Carol xx

  13. beautiful children.

    Sorry about the stray link, my blog post disappeared.


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