Thursday 19 September 2013

I've got a visitor....

For those following Flat Susan's adventures you will know that she has a week with my 'much older' sister  just over the border into Wales in Chrchstoke.  She says she had a lovely time but the daleks were rather scary.  She enjoyed her time travel in the tardis however and arrived here safely in her suitcase...

With the most gorgeous tag that Jo made for me to keep.

She quickly jumped out and made herself at home on a few old cotton reels.

"Hmmm now where have I come to?  It's all work no play here some days!"

"I've had to hold the tape measure"

"and pass Annie pins so fast that even the photo is blurred!"

"I've helped by threading the needles for her on this huge sewing machine that she's got [cos her eyesight isn't what it used to be but don't tell her I said so!]"

"I had a fun day on Tuesday with my two little new friends and we even posed for a photo for you".

It's serious stuff this caring for a teeny tiny new friend! [do zoom in to get a closer look at Flat Susan in the middle].

"The rest of my week so far has been house bungalow hunting with Annie.  This is the one they would like to move to and we went to have a good look at it last night.  Now all they need is lots of good positive wishes that the offers that have been made can be accepted so that things can get moving for them"

"That's all from me for now.  It's my two new little friends' birthday tomorrow and I understand there's some partying to be done so if you're lucky Annie will remember to take her camera with her and catch what I get up to......Don't worry Neet Annie says there's no alcohol there!!!"


  1. Aaaw, what a lovely post! FS looks quite at home among the sewing stuff and even the munchkins got a look in! Your bungalow looks lovely, I am holding my thumbs, crossing my fingers and eyes... makes for difficult typing, you know!!

  2. Careful now!! lol!

    SUPER bungalow, Ive got everything crossed for you Annie! It looks absolutely stunning!

    Keryn x
    ps Happy Birthday to the special wee ones for tomorrow xx

  3. He he - well I don't think I will be partying then!!!! Glad Susan is helping out - she had a lazy time with me! x Jo

  4. Flat susan looks as though she has fitted right into your household. Love the photo of her with your little munchkins. The bungalow looks super, keeping everything crossed for you. Sorry I am so late in visiting, work got on top of me. Happy Belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#76)

  5. Love the bungalow - hope it all works out for you. Flat Susan looks as though she's being made to work for her keep this week! Hope you have a great time at the party tomorrow.

  6. Giggle tehe.....that pic of the munchkins is too much! They looks so serious almost scared they might squish FS! It does look like she is having a good visit. Hope she brings you lick with the house/cottage hunt. I know it will be a fabulous party! Hugs

  7. Its the look on your grandsons face, he looks so serious.
    Lovely bungalow, how you get it.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  8. Sam's face had me smiling - he looks so serious. Not sure what he made of this Flat Susan character!
    So glad there is no alcohol at the party on Saturday, not for FS but for the little ones. Am sure pop and other things will be the bar order of the day.
    Thanks for putting FS to work, she needs to lose a little weight and besides which she can give me a lesson on sewing when she finally gets home.
    Hugs and Thanks - Neet xx

  9. Oh gosh Annie, I didn't realise Flat Susan was so very tiny. I guess her schedule is all worked out else she might have liked a trip to Thailand with me in a couple of weeks time - especially as she's not exactly gonna take up much room :)

    My fingers and toes are firmly crossed for you - the bungalow looks very much as if it's waiting there for you to love it.

    Hugs, Di xx

  10. What an excellent hostess you have been for FS, Annie! She was so brave around the sewing needle and pins, but then she is brave isn't she, flying around the world like she is?! She looked like she had a riot at the party (except for the balloon scare) and I'm sure she's going to miss you! Hugs, Darnell


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