Tuesday 20 August 2013

T for Tuesday...

My cuppa this morning is a quick one but I have cut some fresh flowers to share with you out of the garden this morning.

  • My usual morning coffee in one of my fav mugs
  • my morning tablets....that hopefully are going to get less now my diabetes is under control
  • a bowl of nutty muesli this morning
  • and of course my fav little yellow jug full of garden flowers....hope you can smell them from there  :-)
Would you like to know why it's a quick one from me today?

Well I'm going to tell you....I'm helping my daughter-in-law to be, Gina, cut and prepare the card etc for the wedding invites this morning.  :-)  There will be lots of pink going on today and I'm looking to a fun morning together.

That's all from me for now.  If you want to see more then please pop back tomorrow to see the state of my desk.  Pop over to join in today's fun at Elizabeth's blog and to see what others have been up to too.

Thanks for calling by.
Annie x


  1. I truly enjoyed "meeting" you on Julia's and LLJan's blogs. What a fun outing you five must have had. And I saw how kind and generous you were with your gifts, too. Just like I knew you would be.

    I'm confused. Are those peonies? Or some type of cabbage rose, perhaps? It's a LOT late for peonies, but that's what they look like. What fun you must have gathering these beauties from your garden for no special reason whatsoever, except to liven your morning routine.

    Thanks again for sharing your T and flowers with us today.

  2. Your flowers look lovely Annie, and I am so glad your daibetes is responding to the medication and weightloss... well done you! Love the spotty mug too. Enjoy your card cutting session with your DIL to be!!

  3. Love seeing your garden snippings - so pretty - good to hear the diabetes is waning - I am in Drs appts etc at the moment and dreading the possibility - they keep telling me I am borderline... borderline crazy maybe LOL - Happy T 4 Tuesday... Mxx

  4. Muesli is so yummy! I love a spoonful or so in yogurt, too, which I eat nearly everyday for lunch! Your flowers brightened my morning! Have fun with your DIL to be!

  5. Your pretty flowers look lovely along with that fun dotted cup!
    Continued good health to you ... sounds like you have a fun day planned

  6. I love this sweet pic of your quiet morning. The flowers are gorgeous.
    Have fun Happy Tuesday !

  7. lovely flower arrangement!

    i'm glad you're getting the diabetes under control. that's a real accomplishment, and you must be very proud. congrats!

  8. Gorgeous flowers! Have a fun T day. Hugs

  9. So glad to hear that your diabetes is finally getting controlled.
    Such a tranquil picture this week. Makes me want to sit back, relax and sip from the pretty mug. (I've already had breakfast..thank you)
    Happy T Day

  10. Hope you are enjoying another giggly day! x Jo

  11. Love the mug...pink and polka dots!! The flowers are beautiful as well.
    Happy Tuesday!

  12. Wishing you some fun times, trying to get physically fit, it's a hard road, and I've got to get on that path too. Lovely flowers should add to a great day.

  13. MY doctor sez I'm on the right road to be heading for diabetes...ohooo don't really eat much...just love my chocolate! I had nutty fruit muesli this morning too, with no fat yoghurt and semi fat milk,,, I still have cravings for tea with my normal two heaped (three) spoonfuls! of sugar. ((Lyn))

  14. Love your polka dot cup! and beautiful flowers...had to smile at the medications. that's my breakfast side dish too. good luck with the diabetes...I am type 2 also and it's a challenge every day. but I removed 43 lb. and blood sugar is much better. however, I never got over being tempted by sugar! hang in there...


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