Monday 2 July 2012

Garden treasures...

Saturday was spent clipping and cutting back the hedge / shrubs from the front of the house down to the road and what a difference it has made.  It seems to have let so much more light in to the front of the house.

Sunday, I spent a little time out in the sunshine in our back garden and thought you might like to share some of the treasure I found there.

It seems to have been a good year for the roses although the rain seems to knock them down and the flowers have certainly taken a battering at times.

At the very bottom of our garden is a wild / back to nature area for the birds, and wild plants.  We have lots of hazel trees down there that make a canopy with bird feeders and nesting boxes and even have a bird hide made from a small garden shed [Jo calls it our 'love shack' but all I can say is how did she know?  :-)  ].  It is getting to the 'I need to be cut back and sorted' stage so before it gets cleared I wondered through the wilderness and snapped all the little hidden treasures amongst the nettles.

If you click on the picture you should be able to enlarge it enough to see just what wonderful treasures you can find in nature if you just look.

Half way down our garden is a love seat that our family bought us for our silver wedding anniversary....the idea being that Hubby and I can sit on the seats and enjoy a cuppa together but our little dogs have other ideas.

The second I sit down on the one side Wispa likes to jump up and sit on the table part and Rocky sits proudly on the other seat!!!
They are such little characters.

I hope you've enjoyed the peep into our garden treasures today.
Annie x


  1. Our roses have done really well this year too - a combination of a good prune and all the rain and they are extra pretty :)

    I have a wild area for birds too - though I have thinned it out a bit this weekend as the nettles were taking over.

  2. Your garden is indeed a treasure; I love to share your pleasure in it. The roses are wonderful...mine too but looking very beaten up just now. Shame huh. We live surrounded by neighbours with cats and spend a lot of time chasing them away from the one area that the birds like, alas. we don't have a love shack, but will propose it to Mr D..just to see his face!!

  3. Gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing your lovely area. Here HEAT..LOTS of HEAT. and one is outside much.We need rain bad
    Have a great week see you WOYWW.

  4. What a beautiful garden!! I love your roses - especially the pink one with the white centre. Your wild area is right up my street (but you know I am untidy in everything, gardens included!!)

  5. Wonderful photos Annie. beautiful garden - and I'll walk your pooches anytime, adorable!

    Thanks for pointing out the typo this morning. My new laptop has a bigger keyboard and as I touch type I keep hitting the wrong keys ('line up' instead of caps especially) so stuff is flying all over the flipping place!

    Have a super day!

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. I know what you mean about the roses. Ours are the best ever though too wet to enjoy properly. We have finally got poppies too and Hubby did manage to get some shots in between showers!
    He is a little too sore to get the chainsaw out at the moment, but we sure could do with a trim of the bushes here and there!! Lovely pictures and we have some of those in the borders (shows I haven't cleared them for a while!). Maybe if the rain stops ey!

  7. I have a red minature rose that has an abundance of flowers on it this year for the first time. Most of my garden is totally windswept and in need of a good trim back. the rain has made everything grow so quickly. Your pictures of your garden are lovely. Thanks for the peep. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Lovely garden! The blooms are superb.


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