Wednesday 25 January 2012


These weeks are flying by and here we are at another fun Wednesday link up with over 100 crafters who expose their messy desks creative spaces to all who call by.  I love Wednesdays.

This week has seen a house move for our daughter A, her hubby and their lovely family....long may they be happy in their new home [It's a rather gorgeous house they have moved to  :-) ].  We had a lovely time Sunday helping them set up with a telly wall bracket, window blinds, plumbing in and setting up of washing machine and and tumble's what Dads do  :-) [Whilst I helped make lunch and played with my gorgeous grandchildren  :-) ].

Monday morning was totally wasted spent measuring curtain fabric for one of my customers to finally decide that we couldn't do what was wanted with the material she had brought.....big repeat of pattern, 2 pieces of same fabric but both different so patterns didn't match, insufficient fabric to match patterns to make double width curtains out of......yes, a nightmare!!  An hour plus wasted and still nothing!!  Guess customer won't want to pay for our wasted time.  Now you can see why we don't like making curtains.

We did make up for it though and had another fun afternoon with our friend T.  Thanks for the scrummy cake Jo.  Both Jo and T created little characters with socks and I started to make another little rag doll.

Here you can see the chaos on my table this morning.
  • 1 finished doll
  • 1 new doll in the fabric this time.
  • 2 packs of Pro Markers used for doll face details [never used for card making though  :-) ]
  • 2 new pieces material [1 blue and 1 pink with teddies on] to cover 2 new 'V' cushions to be used for grandbabies.
  • 2 pair of pink snippers [I'm never satisfied with just one :-) fact I have them by every machine I use normally! ] , scissors, piece of tailors chalk.
  • ball of wool used for doll hair.

I put curly hair on my little finished dolly but my girls didn't like it [comments about short curly hair were chuckled about!] I took it off.

Here she is with her new hair style and I have to agree with my girls that she looks much nicer now.......what do you think?

This week I've also made pockets for more little African dresses.  I've now sewn them on and nearly made the next 7 dresses .

Here you can see that I'm hoping to sew the last of the bias strips in place today on 4 of the latest little dresses.

Well that's about all I've got to share with you today.  I hope you've all had a creative week....I shall do my best to call by to see what you've all been up to but if I fail hopelessly then please forgive me cos life here does get rather hectic at times......hmmmm actually quiet moments are rather rare  :-)
Please leave me a little 'hello' comment before popping over to visit our wonderful organiser, Julia.
Hugs for you all,
Annie x


  1. Hi there Annie, ah do so love the wee dolly and yes definitely the plaits are the cuter hairstyle! love the pockets and think you girls do a great job! Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #26

  2. Oh dear seems like customers should find out what is needed and then talk to the fabric shops before ordering their curtain fabric......Dolly did look somewhat scary with short curly hair, maybe it needed to come further down each side of her head to look right! Those little dresses just keep a coming :)We have a family get together this weekend it is my sisters birthday and we are all off to my parents for the night :) Have a good week love Wend x

  3. Cute little dolls today.

    ** Kate **

  4. Yes - little dolly has a much more friendly face with long hair - strange isn't it. That dolly dress fabric is perfect - just take care it doesn't fall into my bag next week!!

  5. A full and busy week for you again, I see!!! The little pockets for the dresses are cute and make all the difference too :)
    I hope you and Jo have a fab time in Doughty's. Julia and I went there last summer!! It's an Aladdin's cave of gorgeousness, isn't it?? I may have bought a couple of metres there..... *grin*
    Hope you have a lovely day out!
    Hugs, LLJ #45 xx

  6. Busy week again Annie! You and the girls are right the second hairdo for the dolly is awesome! Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #27

  7. Love your dolls!

    Fully understand about curtains, my Dad used to have a curtain shop, a lot of work needs to be done that people don't realise when you are making curtains and sadly they don't want to pay for your time. Sorry to hear you had a wasted few hours

    Thanks for sharing


  8. you are always so creative ...and busy the doll ...definately long hair is better...short is sort of scarey. I use my pro markers more for other things than what they are designed for but how come they dont bleed on fabtic for you ...they do on some card and paper for me!!!

  9. I hate curtains too! In fact Im not sure if anyone does like making them!?!

    Lots of super craftiness going on here Annie - as always and the little dolly looks super with her pony tails and scruffy fringe!

    Keryn x

  10. Lots going on keeping you busy.Yet you find time to send my daughter the most beautiful card and gorgeous wee teddy .Something ive never come across .So big thanks from Sophie and myself cheered her up no end.She's had blood tests and waiting results but yesterday started again and cant keep anything in so she is getting fed up now .This is nearly 5 weeks still taking antibiotic 4th one so maybe this will do the trick!
    Thanks so much for your kindness
    Have fab woyww and creative week hugs judex 17

  11. Such cute goings on there with all those loose legs lying around. Love the doll and bet the little frock will be taken off in a wizz. Our littles always do that.
    You should make a little black doll in a little dress like you make for the African children!
    Hey! my craft room will HAVE to stay tidy or I won't be able to let loose with a butane torch to get back to silversmithing. Donna is raring to go and make some jewellery with me!
    JoZarty x

  12. What a great desk today, I love the little dolls you have made and you have done such a good job of the faces. I can see why you are not so much into curtains, I have a pair to hem for my son, I am determined to do it but getting the sowing machine out to me is akin to the iron. Have a great Wednesday, Laura

  13. That's "all"?? Agree that the straight hair is better (being a curly myself - or was when I was younger!) all your makes are fabulous. Hope you don't get too many customers like that...

  14. Despite being a short hair kinda gal myself I have to admit the longer haired version is much better and she doesn't look like she has had a surprise shock!!
    Now, how about making some Haggis creatures!!

  15. Great rag doll and wow more dresses!!!oh and I love your two little smilers below!!super cute..happy woyww hugs trace x no16

  16. Definitely better with the long hair - just something all rag dollies should have I think. And with that pretty outfit, now you've got me wondering where my dolly pattern is... hhmmm

  17. Love the dolls, I prefer long hair soooo cute, lots going on for you, hope your lovely daughter is settled into her new home, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x x

  18. Oh Annie - always so much going on with you! I'm also for the dolly with bunches rather than the Chris Evans look. Sam's idea about Haggis creatures is a good one :) Di xx

  19. He! he!, i can just imagine you two with those curtains! Lovely blog post Annie. xx

  20. I agree, your doll looks so much nicer with long hair!

    sorry to hear about your curtain escapade, that stinks!

    Happy WOYWW! Debxx #108

  21. Hello Annie, More dresses, you are a wonderfully generous person, those little girls will be so lucky wearing your creations, (how lovely knowing that you are bringing some sunshine into their little lives, awwww very cute dolly, my nan used to make me rag dollys that i still treasure. Hope you have a great week Lou #84

  22. I agree the doll looks much better with bunches rather than curly short hair he he he. I can imagine you all laughing. She's a cute doll.

  23. Well I don't know about 'all I've got to share with your this week' seems a lot on the go there, and of course, all beautiful makes. Love the doll, can see what they mean about the curly hair but I love both looks - bags of character.
    Ann B

  24. Sorry I havent been around for a while,nice to see you are still keeping busy:-) Hugs Pam x

  25. Loving those dollies - you are clever. Thanks for sharing.

    Jumbleberries xx

  26. Gracious Annie..I'm here on the right day and better still, your week sounds semi-normal for you - just busy! Am sos osryr to hear about the non matching big pattern repeat curtain thing - what a farce...thing is, it takes patient people like you and Jo to make others understand why it cant be done. Just look at that dolly hair...the girls were right..too curly - she'd have ended up with a rude name!! How funny. Am loving the idea of the socks. And then at the foot of the post - ah those babies! How well they're doing!

  27. Super cute doll - and I think the pony tails are perfect!

  28. Hi Annie, love the rag doll's face, it's so full of character, and, yes, the long hair is much better :) You're so busy, curtain farce notwithstanding, I feel such a slouch. However, I cheered up immediately at the photo of those lovely happy babies - gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous :) Elizabeth x #45

  29. Hi Annie

    I love the dolls, they are so cute I like both the hairstyles. Thanks for sharing your crafty space. :)

    Becky #56

  30. Well, congrats to A and the move! I hope that they are excited at the new place. Sorry about the curtain waiste. That has to be frustrating! I love the little dolly. She is precious (the first hair reminded me of a raggedy Anne doll from growing up!). The Africa dresses are coming along fabulously! Great job as always & thanks for sharing! -Amanda 36

  31. I love the dolls, they are so cute and I prefer the pony tail too :)

    Have a great WOYWW, Luv Karen #80

  32. Your curtains sound really frustrating, it always makes my mind boggle as a non sewing person about matching patterns and bias and so on, it's like a foreign language!!
    Your dolly is definitely nicer with her long hair.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #128

  33. You have been busy again and I like the dolly with her hair longer best. We helped our son and DIL do just the same sort of things when they moved just before Christmas. My DIL's mum and I tended to prepare meals and play with our grandsons- such fun. Anne x

  34. Gosh you two never stop do you! Shame about the wasted time ad pity you can't charge for it.

    Brenda 99

  35. Cute little dolly. Soon she'll have some friends. I agree that the straight hair looks better. Dolly looks rather wicked with curly hair.

  36. What a lovely little dolly. My Gran made me a rag doll when I was a little girl and I still have her now.
    How lovely to see those two precious faces at the beginning of the previous post.
    Fiona xx #95

  37. Looks like you've been really busy! I like the long, straight hair the best for the cute doll!

  38. You get so much done. I don't know how you do it!! I must get more organised!!

  39. I like the assembly of dolly parts on your desk... I also agree that the longer hair gives a very sweet look to the little doll. You must be one of the busiest crafters I have met in blogland it is always amazing to see what you have achieved in one week.

  40. Lovely to see even more dresses from the hands of the talented duo (Wipso and Twiglet). Love that dolly and I liked her with curly hair but the new style softens her face a bit so, yes, a good decision.
    Hugs - Neet #6

  41. I know exactly how you must be feeling regarding the curtains and customers changing their minds. I’ve just the a similar thing with the wedding invitations I’ve made but I guess when you’re dealing with customers the way we do you just have to be diplomatic, try and talk them round to your way of thinking and if that fails, bite the bullet and just get on with it. That’s not always easy though is it.

    Think I agree with your girls about the dolls hair. The new hair-do makes her look really cute but the first attempt just looks a bit scary………mind you, kiddies seem to love things like that don’t they, just look how well the cabbage patch dolls took off.

    Happy Crafting!

  42. I am never ceased to be amazed at how busy you are and just how productive!!
    Love the rag doll, astonishing the difference a hair cut/style change can make such a change n#& it would seem not just to us!

  43. ohoo I love the dolls, you'v ebeen busy! not home at the moment , sorry about the mistakes..not my computer. Sorry about your headache, I would've taken the snow off sooner if I'd been home ((then i couldn't find where the code was!)) anyway, it's gone now! I was fascinated how it worked! happy woyww lyn

  44. Your Friday pics always make me smile, and say aaahhhhh. The dollys are really cute and I love this weeks desk, I can't believe you used promarkers for their faces, they certainly don't look drawn on, I thought maybe they were sewed on, how fantastic your drawing skills are amazing. Think I prefer the pictales rather then the curly hair lol. Gorgeous little dresses. I agree I always contact my dad for jobs with my OH and me and mum have a cuppa lol, when the kids were small we would play with them but at the age of 12 and 15 they have grown out of playing with mummy and daddy lol Kezzy xxx


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