Friday 27 January 2012

My family is growing...

I try to find a picture every Friday to put smiles on faces ready for the weekend.  I'm not sure this one will do it for you but it makes me smile  :-)

You will have seen that I have been making dollies and that I had bought material to make covers for our two new 'V' cushions for the Grandbabies to use.  Here is how my table is looking this morning....

The covers are made and you can see the 3 dollies I have now made have made themselves at home here  :-)
My latest Doll is a little boy one as you can see and I think he's rather cute.  I'm planning to possibly make a few dollies to go in our blog shop so if you are interested in buying one I would be happy to make you one to order.

I do hope my pic has made you smile and that you all have a super weekend.  Stay warm and well.
Annie x


  1. Hello lovely lady, I most certainly do count you ad a friend and hope you do likewise. I have to say I do feel the cloud over me has moved slightly further away, I agree writing some down and having a lone sob has helped. Maybe I shall take a leaf out of our arty friends books and journal a few pages, then it will be recorded so it isn't nothing but can be let go because it will be there. I had a v cushion when I was feeding T and it was useful for putting him on the floor with until he was mobile, so I am sure they will be well loved. You have definitely got the short hair right this time! Have a lovely weekend x

  2. Hello Annie,

    It must just be me but at first sight I thought another grandbaby was expected I got all excited!!

    However, I read the post diligently and now understand that your dollies are growing (like rabbits??!!) and I have to say how handsome yon young man looks! His hair is really cool!

    Keryn x

  3. Your dollies are so cute.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  4. Yes, it did make me smile, and then it sent me to Google to see if I could find a good V shaped memory foam pillow, that I could use in the caravan. But then I would need to find a good cover for it that looks right in the daytime. your little people are so cute and well made. Love them. xx Maggie #90

  5. Hi Annie! Yes, I love Ribbons too! Thats my problem though, :) looks like they will have to hang the back of the craft room door! Cute babies on your blog, how proud you must be! Lovely! :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Love the dollies and the cushion covers are brill. Busy bee!!!

  7. yes, you did make me smile :-)
    love the dollies - specially the little boy

  8. Super sweet dollies & lovely comfy cushions for the babies.

  9. Lovely dollies, and gorgeous fabric on your cushion covers!

    Rose x

  10. Gorgeous and thanks for the oooh and aaah! Aren't they lucky having you ??
    Love Jo x

  11. Hi Annie! I'm positive I commented about these lovely dollies and the V-shaped cushions. You're soooo clever, always something new and different going on. Happy Monday, whatever you have planned :) Di xx


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