Friday 16 September 2011

My latest knittie and a night out...

Just a quick post today to show you my latest's what you do while you are playing the waiting game  :-)  It is knitted in Merry Go Round by Stylecraft and you know how fussy I am.....I had to undo half a ball of wool to match the pattern on both sleeves  :-)  It was well worth the effort though cos the stripe was of varying widths and the sleeves just wouldn't have looked right different.  I've now started my next little knittie for a baby girl in Crofter baby Fair Isle effect wool and am really loving the fun way the pattern will see that another day.  I seem to be knitting every time M tells me she has started contractions and I've never seen my needles go so fast.  :-)

Last night Twiglet came with my darling hubby and I to the Theatre Severn  in Shrewsbury to see The Bohemians and The ACM Gospel Choir from the Last Choir Standing in Queen Rocks Gospel.
It was a really fun night with great music and by the end everyone was up on their feet waving their hands and singing very loudly [well, nearly everyone....I think some had gone thinking it was just a gospel choir evening].  We all love our live entertainment and try to go the the theatre as often as we can ....we have another treat there in just two weeks  :-)

Just a quick snap to show you all that she is still going strong.  36 1/2 weeks now so M has done a brilliant job of growing the twinnies.  She is still getting strong contractions every day/night and the little girl's head is engaged now so she really shouldn't be long .....well, we all hope she isn't for her sake.  When you're not much more than 5 foot tall you don't have much room for two 6lb plus babies!


  1. Hi Annie - M looks really lovely, shouldn't be too long now surely? Love your knitting, I'm the same needing things to match - on that we stand united! Sounds like a great night out, just the thing to lift spirits. Hugs, Di xx

  2. Another brilliant night out -and looking forward to the drummers next time. Your little jumper is gorgeous and I am sure it will look good on one of the expected baby boys!

  3. Hello Annie,

    Your evening with hubs and Jo sounds absolutely perfect and what a better way to spend an evening especially after all of the evenings recently spent with anxiety and expectation!

    Just think by the next time you go to the theatre your family will have blossomed and grown by at least 2!

    I just love that gorgeous jumper! Im the same as you and would have had to re-do the sleeve also! 'Random' is a funny old word to me! lol! Ive used that crofters wool and it is beautiful! It sure beats the traditional way doesnt it!!

    Have a super weekend!
    Keryn x

  4. Well doesn't M look so gorgeous, well done to her hanging out for that long, bless. Theatre night out sounded fab. We're off for a much needed break for a week, will catch up when back. Good luck and love to everyone xxxxx

  5. I love the little jumper.
    I've been away on a course all week, thought of M and expected she would have had the twins when I returned!

  6. Good Luck M..soon very soon....surely? lol
    Hugs to all x

  7. M is really looking good for so far along. DIL delivered our newest at 37 weeks. 5lb13oz. Good luck! Sorry I am so late getting by this week but I wanted to pop by and visit your blog to say hello and to see what you are up to! Didn't have the time to post(except about newest Doswell addition) or craft the past two weeks due to being in Virginia visiting with the son's family to see the newest granddaughter born. Definitely a fun time none the less. Hope you have a great week. Vickie aka okienurse


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