Thursday 15 September 2011

Getting steamy and sewing while I wait...

I know lots of you like to see the posh frocks I have here and yesterday I had to steam a really pretty Wedding dress so thought I'd sneak you a pic.  What a lot of material to steam....things certainly got pretty warm in here but isn't it stunning?

Here is the latest couple of dresses I've made this morning.  Numbers 75 and 76 for me.  They are made with more of the gorgeous sweet pea quilt cover one of my customers gave me.  You will have prob seen more little dresses made out of this over on Twiglet's blog....we share everything.  :-)  These are so pretty.

The Nanny waiting game is still ongoing.  M was contracting again last night and got them down to every 4 minutes and lasting 80 secs but yet again they fizzled out and she managed to go back to sleep.  One day???  She is on her way out here as I type to have lunch with us ....I am really loving our special times together while we wait.


  1. Sooner you than me steam that dress with all those ruches!
    The sweet pea fabric makes such cute little dresses contrasted with the check.
    It's lovely that you can get something from this long wait with M. quality time together is precious and you won't get much of that once they do arrive. At least not just the two of you. Hang in there!
    love Jo x

  2. I wonder how you'll look back on this waiting game - I expect M will be so thankful that you view it as a time to be together.
    All that steaming - gracious, your skin must be maiden fair and smooth!

  3. I bet it was like a sauna in your workroom this morning! I can just imagine you stripped to your skimpies with your steaming wand awaving!! lol. see you later.

  4. I use a big steam iron for my clothes so I can imagine how hot it was! good luck with the babies.

  5. Pretty little dresses. That material is so cute and teams beautifully with the check. Rather you than me having to steam that wedding dress. I remember making a white dress once for a work colleague. It was in the plain patterned crimplene (very vogue back in the 1970'0s and had a big floppy bow on one shoulder. Joyce was coming to my house for a fitting and just as I sewed the bow on I pricked my finger. You guessed it blood everywhere! I was in such a panic and only just managed to get the blood off before she turned up. Never did let on though! hugs Mrs A.

  6. Oh what a beautiful gown! I always have to have a look when I see a bridal gown as they are such happy gowns!

    Lovely little sweet pea dresses and the soft checks are just as pretty!

    Keryn x


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