Friday 2 September 2011

The latest delivery....and it's not babies.....yet

I know, I know we all want news of the safe delivery of these twinnies but as yet it's still a waiting game.  M is still niggling in early labour but there is no further news for me to share yet.  There are still no neonatal beds available in Shrewsbury for the babies so there is no rush.  I will let you know when there is more news

My delivery that I wanted to share with you is one that Suz from Suz Place blog has just brought to my door.....6 more pillowcases to make little dresses out of.  She dropped them off on her way for a few days away.  It was really lovely to see her even if it was only a quickie and I really hope they both have a well earned few days break after all they have been going through with the flood damage in their house lately.  Thanks a lot Suz.


  1. I have just made the last little cut out dress so will be down for a few more pillowcases on Monday!!!

  2. Don't you two ladies EVER sleep:)!! I'm orf to me bed, the excitement has been too much today! Hope all is quiet on the Western Front for now. Big hugs, Di xx

  3. Your welcome Annie..and they look many now, you two are wonderful
    Came home early to dryers and fans and now no floors at all..what a soggy mess under the laminate yuk!
    All in the skips now and drying nicely, but the de-humidifiers and fans make such a noise not easy at the moment
    Chin up hey? hehe
    Hugs xx


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