Friday 2 September 2011

Another donation and the latest pic...

Yesterday afternoon I was given another 3 pillowcases by one of my customers to make 3 more little dresses with.  My customer was apologetic that she couldn't find more but as I said to her that will be three more little girls with smiles on their faces and every one is greatly appreciated.  I really love the one with sunflowers on too.

Also I'm sharing the pic I took of M while she was here for lunch yesterday.....every picture tells a story as they say  :-)  She is pleased to have reached 1st September cos the twins will now be counted in the next school year....can you tell she is a teacher?  :-)

Surely she can't go much longer?

 We had a house full of love here last night.  We had all our family here together probably for the last time before the twins arrive so of course Mum just had to insist that we had a bookend pic for one last time.  It amazed everyone that A can still suck her tummy in and her bump almost dissapears....not so with M.

For those watching developments....M went straight to the hospital from here last night.  I could tell she was pretty uncomfortable so I insisted....thankfully.  She was found to be 1cm dilated but still only 34 1/2 weeks so they gave her some pethadine and hoped things would settle down....and so do I cos when they got to the hospital they told them that if she went on to deliver they would have to transfer them to another hospital because they didn't have neonatal beds available for the babies!  She has just text to say things settled down a little through the night but she is still getting contactions this morning so I guess we will know more when the Drs do their rounds.  Keep everything crossed girls. x


  1. Fingers crossed...hope M goes on ok might have 2 more grand children by the time l get back..good luck anyway
    Cya soon hugs x

  2. Oh wow Annie - my fingers and toes are crossed here. I'll keep hopping back to my dashboard to look for updates! Sending hugs, Di xx

  3. Oh my, what a worrying time for you all. Maybe it will all settled down and the contractions stop but obviously now she's started to dilate it would seem that they are REALLY desperate to get out and meet everyone!

    Its going to be a long day for so many folk now Annie as we are all on tenterhooks!

    Take care,
    Keryn x

  4. Love the bookends! Huge hugs and good wishes to M. All will be well, I am sure. xJo


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