Wednesday 31 August 2011


Happy Wednesday to each and every one of you.  This last week has been a really manic one with lots of customers and even more sewing.  Each one seemed to bring me several jobs and all of them were needed to be done yesterday!  If only there were a few more hours in each day.  I am going to take you through this week in pictures so you don't have to get bogged down with reading.

This morning my 'done' rails are all heaving [the 'to do' rail as yet is empty but please tell no one]....lots has been done and it's all waiting for collection.

The rail at the left is full of little dresses for the African girls.
The one in the middle is full of the shorter length customers items...tops, trousers, skirts etc.
The rail on the right is the longer length rail where I hang all the long dresses and, when I have them, the wedding dresses.

This is my latest little knittie for one of the twinnies.  I knitted a little waistcoat for the little boy so I've knitted this short sleeved cardie for the little girl.  I love this wool and am now knitting a little waistcoat for A's expected little boy in blue and cream fleck.

Penny from The Hen House saw my post about making the little dolly dresses and asked if I could make her some to clothe the dollies for the charity shop she works in.  As you will all know I run a very busy ship here and I had to say sorry but I just couldn't commit myself to any more projects so I quickly ran her up one little dolly's dress and made her patterns and simple instructions so the lady that sews for the shop could run more up.  I've posted this little dress to her so hope she doesn't mind me declining the request.....Mitzi really has started something hasn't she?  :-)  I'm always willing to do my best to help but there just aren't enough hours in the day to do more.

 For those that like to see a little of my garden here is a quick snap of some of the wonderful tomatoes that are now ripening in our greenhouse.  There really is nothing quite like picking a warm, fresh tomato and just eating it is there?  We have several different sorts out and large, small orange ones that are just soooooo sweet and even green ones....yes they are green when ripe but do change colour slightly so you can tell when they are ripe.
Here is a little bit of the early signs of autumn.  The crab apples are such a gorgeous colour now and the horse chestnut tree is already changing to it's autumn wardrobe.

For those that know what a difficult time I have been going through I just wanted to share this picture of this gorgeous rainbow that showed itself to us on Friday.  At difficult times in my life I often see a rainbow and really believe it to be a sign that all will be well.  Please keep everything crossed for us for the next few weeks and thanks to all who have supported us.

For those that are waiting for news on the I am typing this they are still keeping us waiting.....34 weeks now....Poor M is pretty unfomfortable all the time now and is finding sleeping pretty near impossible....she  'WANTS THEM OUT'  :-)  That's one large bump she has now and if you look closely you can actually see that the little girl this side is pushing her bump this way on the photo! I remember this stage well.  As her Granddad would say to her...'the apple wont fall til it's ripe'.  She is getting pretty strong braxton hicks contractions now all the time and I really don't think we will have too long to wait but when it's you who is doing the waiting every day seems like a week I'm sure.....Hang in there M xxxx

Now, here's hoping you all have a wonderful snoop around the other work spaces that Julia links up every Wednesday.....thanks Julia for all your efforts even when you're really not feeling at your best.  Really hope you get well very soon.  Have a great week and thanks for calling in on me.


  1. I honestly don't know where you get the energy ot time .Your so like my cousin shes on the go from time she gets up until she goes to bed.Always busy just like you doing charity work ,sweing niow the arrival not so soon twins!Gosh i so do admire you hunni.
    Have a or try have restful wednesday
    hugs judex20

  2. Great post - I will be down asap ready for curtain making!!

  3. It's like the elves and the shoemaker....beavering away through the night methinks! Really fabulous dresses and every one full of love! Looking lumpy and bumpy indeed...! Exciting all the same!
    Thanks for the peek! Sarah (at 4)

  4. Love those tomatoes... you really do pack a lot in to your days.

  5. Beautiful sewings again. Love the little cardi. M looks well - I sympathise with her. They'll be here soon enough. Love the garden pics.

  6. Good luck with all that's going on in your life at the moment, be it your making/grandchildren/worries. I too believe that rainbows are a sign of good things to come - prepare yourself for a tidalwave :) Hugs, LLJ x

  7. I feel for M, I do, but remind her of how beautiful she looks...
    The rainbow is a sign Wipso, for sure. Hang in there yourself. I think your response to Penny was utterly perfect, almost above and beyond, so you musn't feel bad at having learned the No word for now and then.

  8. Good luck m, keep us posted.

    ** Kate **

  9. That photo of M with her bump to the side is amazing - what a great addition to the family album.
    Congrats on all your good work sewing for those little girls - beautiful dresses abound.
    Great knitting and lush tomatoes.
    Thanks for sharing everything - Hugs, Neet #5
    ps forgot Mitzi's dresses - fabulous!

  10. On the twin front, should I mention that my mum carried twins not just full term but a week late?

    As to your empty to do rail: congratulations. I hope it stays empty just long enough for you to enjoy, but not to start worrying about not having any work!

  11. Goodness I do remember those last few weeks and wondering if it will ever end! Love the rainbow! I hope that it gives you comfort and hope! Great job with the sewing and the Africa dresses! Happy WOYWW-Amanda

  12. So it's the rainbow where the fairies live who help when we need it. What a lovely thought. Fingers crossed for all of you! Enjoy WOYWW!

  13. Keep at it... you'll get there, the babes will come safely and all will be well with the world. We're on the Beatles theme this week with "I'll get by with a little help from my friends" and All you need is love" !!
    Germany tomorrow for me but I'll be thinknig of you ..
    Love JoZarty xxx

  14. Sis is on her way...Wishing M easy does it and a few prayers all goes well. You need to take a funtime break and get ready for the big event. Stress will give you pain.
    Lovely post, beautiful photos of all that's in your life right now. Enjoy the last of Aug and WOYWW.

  15. Lovely post A, that rainbow has to be a sign of good things to come :) Big hugs, Di xx

  16. Hi hun
    gosh im knackered reading all that, fabulous piccies, remember those last few uncomfortable weeks, something magical about a rainbow, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW,hugs, sue,x

  17. Oh, my gosh. That will be any time now. I'm looking forward to "meeting" the twins. :) Great photos, too. And those dresses are looking fab.

  18. Oh I love seeing your garden Annie, there’s always so much colour to see. I’ve just been out in my garden and picked some tomatoes and planted six Red Penstemons.
    I’m glad all goes well with the lump and I hope they keep you all waiting as long as they need to!

    Have a good week and…………
    Happy Sewing!


  19. You must be the busiest person I 'know', I really don't know how you manage all that you do, I admire that. Learning to say no to some things has been very hard for me too, but I am glad you actually did it for once and I am sure the lady won't mind.
    Hope all goes well with M and the twins.
    Happy WOYWW

  20. You amaze me each week with all that you manage to pack into a day! I'm sure M is grateful for the lack of a scorching summer this year.

  21. Lots going on in your life - hope you have a good week.Thanks for sharing all this
    XKirsty #58

  22. I didnt do a woyww this week but thought I'd drop by some friends ...Im with you re tomatoes .. ours are beginning to ripen...cherry ...didnt find any orange or yellow ones this year ...they are the best.
    btw Those dolls dresses are so cute.
    Well done M for holding on to the twins ...two more weeks would be fantastic for them if not for her xx

  23. OOh that looks like an uncomfortable bump, not long now, hang in there


  24. Great blog post, well done on getting your to do rail clear! Happy WOYWW! Mel x18

  25. That likkle cardie is so cute Annie and i thought i could see something sticking out of the side of M x

  26. Mitzi already has one fan! Hope all goes well with the babies. Hugs Mrs A.

  27. Another great post - I really enjoyed catching up with what you've been doing this week. The little baby cardie is just so sweet and the dolly dresses are fab too - did they fit the dolls, I wonder? I really enjoy the humour in your posts too - Mitzi's big decision and uncertainty as to whether her bum was too big in the dress - so funny. Wishing your daughter good luck. Elizabeth x #51

  28. I love the tomatoes. Mine just won't ripen. I guess it's too hot and dry this year. And I still think you have taken on an entire village to clothe. And of course, those little doll dresses are a great use for scraps. And I thought you went above and beyond when you made a pattern and a detailed description of how to make the dresses for Penny's charity shop dolls. Happy WOYWW.

  29. Great post love the pics of the dresses, the trees, the tomatoes, the cardigans, and poor M!! I got word that my DIL is 36 weeks and learned yesterday she is dilated to 4-5 and having braxton hicks and low backache so we are off to Virginia tomorrow to be there for the event. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie

  30. You certainly do use every minute of your days! The dresses you are making for the African girls are so sweet and you and Twiglet are to be commended for all the work you have put into this cause! I am sure the woman from the charity shop can understand that you just can't take on anymore at the moment.
    I wish your daughter all the best wishes and I believe that rainbow is a good sign for you, so keep your chin up!
    xoxo Karen

  31. oops, I just realized that M is Twiglet's daughter and therefore your niece :)

  32. Wow how you manage to cram so much in amazes me

  33. Wow you are one busy lady!I love all your work.
    This is my first visit to your super blog, I found you via WOYWW, I will be back next week to see what else you have been upto!
    Helen x

  34. oh my...tons to show off this week, Tickled to see those babies growing!


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