Sunday 28 August 2011

Nothing gets wasted here....

Mitzi did such a good job modelling her new dress that I am now taking orders!.  This what you do when you don't even had a big enough piece to make a pocket for a little girls dress with!

You patch pieces together and make dolly's dresses  :-)  We popped over to see our little granddaughters yesterday morning and I took orders for two new dolly dresses.  'Pleaseeeeeeeeeee Nanny'  How could I say no?  I have just set to and made these two tiny little dresses to fit their baby dollies.  Let's hope they fit  :-)


  1. Lol - I thought when you sent a photo message that they were 2 full sized ones!! So cute P & L will be thrilled.

  2. I love 'no waste' crafts and makes!

    Have a great week,

    Sandie xx

  3. So cute! Mitzi has started something now I think :)) Di xx

  4. Aww, they are really cute, your lucky granddaughters! :) x

  5. Sweet !

    If I send you some fabric would you consider making some dresses for the Charity shop where I work ?... I bet they'd sell like hot cakes ( funnily enough the shop used to be the village bakery - people still come in & ask for two loaves please ( and think they are funny ! ) Pppplllleeeeaaaassseeee !


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