Wednesday 10 August 2011


Good morning to all my wonderful blogging friends.  

Firstly I want to say a big thank you for all your concern and lovely comments following my fall on Saturday morning and to say that, although a little more stiff and achy than normal, things now seem to be returning to normal [well, normal for me at least]....I have taken advise and have had rather more water with it since.  :-)

It's been another week of busy activity here at Sewing by Annie's....more parcels have arrived with lots more gorgeous fabrics in them and many many more dresses have been cut out and put ready to sew....and I've even made a few more with them already.  

So? What's on my workdesk today?

My 'to do' rail has yet more trousers to shorten plus this week I have a skirt to shorten and a gorgeous red dress to alter.  I shall hopefully clear my rail this morning so then I can get making more little dresses.

Funday Monday morning Twiglet and I set to and cut out and bagged lots more dresses from the gorgeous fabric Twiggy and Karen sent us this week.  We then set to and made 5 dresses between us during the afternoon.

Dress number 36 is made from fabric Penny sent me from France.  It's a bigger dress for a larger child and I've trimmed it up with white bias and a pretty embroidery anglaise pocket.

Dress number 37 is made using fabric Twiggy sent and it is also one made for a larger girl.  We aim to use the material wisely so as little as possible is wasted so the size of the dress is really decided by the piece material.  This fabric was really lovely to sew and has trimmed up prettily with a bit of  floral fabric.

This pretty little dress [number 38] was made using fabric Karen sent us and I've trimmed it up with pink bias and added a little pocket with an appliqued heart on it.  Isn't it pretty?

Here is what my rail of little dresses is looking like now. 

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) 

You can see 17 dresses in all colours and all sizes.  Doesn't it make you smile?  I'm so thrilled to have such a wonderful project on the go and am really loving every minute of creating each and every one so keep sending any fabric you can spare in our direction.  We promise to make up each and every dress and give you the head's up for your kind donations. 
I've just noticed my screen saver in the bottom left corner too....that's another reason for smiling :-)  Aren't they just gorgeous?  Proud Nanny Annie here  :-)

 Just a quick snap taken on Monday to show you that M is still doing a brilliant job of growing my grandchildren...and yes she is still smiling even though her iron tablets really are making her feel pretty sick when she takes them.  She really does humour me when I ask for a new pic and poses for me to snap away....."thanks M.  I'm so very proud of you.  The apple will fall when it's ripe and it won't be long now."

That's all from me today [ I hear you say...'thats more than enough!!'  :-) ].  Thanks for calling by.  Please leave me a comment if only to say hello before you pop over to Julia's blog to join in the WOYWW fun.


  1. Oh my - not long to go for M now surely? And it's so good to see various sizes in those dresses - I did spot on one of the blogs that bigger ones were also well received. You girls amaze me! Hugs, Di xx

  2. I am luuuuuuuurving the new blog design - just fab and wayhay that bump is really going for it. take things steady and hope the bruises and nerves will soon pick p as a fall is always a scarey thing.
    I also have a Dutch pretties parcel giveaway on my blog today if you fancy some colour!
    Thanks for sharing your WOYWW desk today,
    Sarah at 3

  3. Lots of bumps of various types in your life at the mo!!! Have a great day. x Jo PS - I see we have synchronised our link to Julia at last! lol.

  4. Oooh a busy week for you there I too have been having a bit of a sewing fest (the post before my woyww one if you are interested) as I am off to the Festival of Quilts on Sunday (are you going?) - hope you are ok and looking after yourself after the fall - sorry I didnt know about it as I havent been following blogs for a while - baby looks due pretty soon too! its all go eh! thanks for sharing.

  5. Goodness! Looks like M is ready to drop that apple! LOL! Love the dresses this week! Thay always make me smile to see the good work that you and your friends do! The collection is truely inspiring. Thanks for sharing your WOYWW!- Amanda

  6. Well done for all those pretty little dresses, the pockets and trims add a lot to the effect. Sorry to hear you took a tumble, hope you weren't too shaken up and are feeling better now xx

  7. you are awesome making all those dresses to donate. M looks like she is ready to pop. I used to get so envious when I would see pregnant mommas but not anymore. I am glad I am too old to have anymore babies. I have grandbaby #2 coming next month so I will also have a baby to play with. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  8. Fab pics on your post this morning, all those little dresses, you area star. WE had no fabric shops anywhere near us and now I've lost most of my days at work, Hubby has stolen my car, coz it's cheaper to run, but I will look out for some!

    Happy WOYWW

  9. H ya hun
    aw im sorry to hear you had a fall, but pleased you are feeling better. Wow what a lot of dresses you have done they are gorgeous,sure does make you smile. lovely piccie of M she sure looks blooming, i always take my fabby bag hun, it is on the floor behind the plastic one, full of stuff, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  10. Gorgeous dresses - well done on such a full rail already! Love that you have bigger sizes too, makes everyone feel special wearing your creations. Hope your aches and pains go soon, then back to full steam on the old sewing machine! Enjoy WOYWW!

  11. Thanks for sharing your space this week and I hope the rest of your week goes well!

  12. Hello. Bump growing nicely. Lovely things on your rail as usual. Very clever lady x

  13. All the best to M..and good to hear you are feeling better after the fall
    Hugs xx

  14. Oh wow Annie, M’s bump looks fit to burst! It great following their progress and when they arrive they are going to have so many proud aunties out in blog land.

    The latest batch of little dresses are fab and I can foresee lots of happy little girls on the receiving end when they reach their destination.

    Have a good week and Happy Sewing!

  15. As I've mentioned before, I think you are doing a remarkable job with the dresses. Such a wonderful way to help.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  16. I cant believe how many of those gorgeous dresses you have made ...I wonder what the total will end up. Hope you are ok now ...not too many bruises xx

  17. They really do look pretty all hanging on your rail there. I have some old dresses of mine to turn into little ones too. This is fast becoming addictive!!!!! Hugs Mrs A.#85.

  18. lots of lovely things on hangers there. Good luck with the grandchild too.
    caroline #83

  19. you are doing such a brilliant job with those dresses.

    M is looking good.

  20. Wow, look at all those dresses! You're doing something wonderful! I'm glad to hear you're doing well. M looks beautiful!
    Karla #25

  21. The blog looks great, as do your dresses. Happy WOYWW, Shaz

  22. WOW you are amazing. Wish I had some fabric I could send you.
    Glad your tumble wasn't too serious - you and Hels are as bad as one another...

  23. So sorry to hear about your fall. Hugs xx
    Glad I am not the only one who has trousers to alter - 6 pairs lined up for me and 3 of them are jeans! Yuk!
    I was going to ask you about fabric donations. Give me a week or so and I will have some ready to send up. It will be cotton. No use sitting in my drawers unloved when they could be used for a great cause!

  24. So many dresses, it makes my head spin! You have been busy!
    The new babies will be here soon it looks like.
    Happy WOYWW

  25. Love your dresses and thank you for the comment on mine. Glad you are better after your fall. Anesha :)

  26. Beautiful dresses, what an amazing thing you and Twiglet are doing. Not long for M now surely???

    Brenda 73

  27. Gosh you have been busy. Thanks for sharing.

    Jumbleberries xx

  28. Great post and lovely to see all you are making... you are a treasure! Quote an achievement.
    Great to see M too blooming so well... he and she will soon be here.
    Love joZarty x

  29. Your daughter is really blooming, not too long now I should think. The dresses look very pretty hanging on the rail. Hope you are feeling much better now. Anne x

  30. arggh you fell,

    I have been errant - I should have known sooner,

    crikey hope you are fully fixed up now,

    and yes

    take more water with it, and remain sitting/sleeping till the effect wear off...

    your daughter looks beautiful


  31. More gorgeous dresses! I am so impressed at the speed of your sewing. Thank you. x

  32. Sorry to hear about your fall, hope you are soon back to 100% fitness. Some fabulous dresses on show, what a sterling job you two are doing.
    Great bump - it's coming along nicely - can't wait to see it unveiled.
    Thanks for sharing your desk with us - Happy WOYWW (late know). Hugs, Neet #7

  33. thanks for the glimpse. Have a great day.

  34. What a great sewing project!!! Your grandbaby appears to be close to arrival...will be watching for the announcement! Happy WOYWWWWWW!!!!!!

  35. Oh so sorry I haven't been around to hear you fell - I hope you are getting better now! The little dresses are gorgeous and well I missed out again not knowing about the project! I must find out what it is! Your daughter is lovely!
    Lots of hugs,


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