Thursday 11 August 2011

Wednesday's 5 ....

As promised here are my latest little dresses...

This pair [numbers 39 and 40] are made using the pretty turquoise and pink check fabric that Karen sent me and I've trimmed them both up with some of the buttons and trimmings Twiggy sent in her parcel.  Isn't it lovely that items that have come from different ends of the country go together so well to make such pretty dresses.

Dress number 41 is made using some of the pretty fabric Wanda sent me from America and I've added one of the pretty buttons out of the bag of goodies Twiggy sent me.

Dress number 42 is made using some of the tiny floral fabric Karen sent me and I've trimmed it up with a little appliqued heart and another of Twiggy's buttons.

 Dress number 43 is made using some of the pretty floral print fabric Penny sent me from France and the gorgeous little pocket on the front was made my my talented daughter M.  She felt the lion would be appreciated by a little girl in Africa and I'm sure she is right...after all she is a teacher and she would know.  :-) Thanks for your company M.  You really are a treasure.

Thank you to each and every one of you who is supporting the great cause by sending us fabric or trimmings.  We are happy to keep making as many dresses, as we have fabric for, in what ever spare time we have so please hunt out any pillow cases or fabric you have spare and send them our way.  Just email me at for details of where to post it.
Thank you so much. xxxx


  1. More fantastic dresses - and that little lion is adorable! As I've said to Twiglet - talent runs right through the family! Hugs, Di xx

  2. Adorable dresses, love the lion. :)

  3. I am amazed that you have made so many my lovely!!! Who would have thought that those scrappy bits I sent you would look so good....well done you and a big tho gentle pat on the back! HUGS xxx

  4. Wow - they really look fab! I love the little lion - looks like a cross between Kitty and Clarence!!

  5. What a lovely little lion and only made lovely from the beautfiul dress that its on. Well done all the beautiful dresses!

  6. You are so clever turning our bits and bobs into such pretty dresses. Just lovely.
    Twiggy x

  7. Some more pretty dresses. You really are amazing at how quickly are are turning them all out. Keep up the good work. Hugs Mrs A.


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