Wednesday 4 May 2011


Happy Wednesday to one and all of you WOYWWers.  Another fab week has passed with all the excitement of the Royal Wedding and a bank holiday with gorgeous weather to enjoy a few days off.
Firstly I would like to show you a few pics of crafty creating.

This is my latest finished little knittie.  I now have a white hoodie to knit for one of my customers before I knit the next for the family.  Both daughters have their gender scans on 14th so I will know more what colours to knit then  :-)  I've been asked to go with the eldest daughter to see the scan so am really excited at seeing the babies.

Wedding season has started here too and I already have a wedding dress and set of bridesmaids here to alter.  This bride has chosen to have her bridesmaids all in different colours and what a pretty choice of colours she has made.
Having missed yet another funday Monday Twiglet and I decided we needed to have a funday Tuesday this week instead so she joined me for a creative day yesterday.  I was seriously missing creative crafting time so I had my embellisher set up by the time she arrived and surrounded myself with dumfing inspiration [ for those that still don't know what dumfing is please click on the link to the right to find out more  :-)  ].

I really enjoyed a creative day and was proud of my efforts having dumfed a picture using the inspiration all around me....hope you like my bluebell woods pic.  I may well tweak it a little yet before I finally frame it properly but I rather like how it's going.
What a fabulous weekend we all had weather wise.  My darling hubby and I spent most of it in the garden pulling weeds, tidying up the flower beds and generally having a good sort out of sheds etc.

Here you can see how my hubby has cut a doorway into the weeping willow so that the children can use it as a play tent / hidey hole.  They haven't seen it yet but I know I would have loved playing in there when I was little.

The wisteria is now out in full bloom and smells just wonderful.....if only I wasn't suffering hay fever.  :-(

These are some of the blue bells in the back garden with our deep red peony on the right just coming into bloom.  Maybe you can see where my inspiration for my dumfing came from now  :-)

Thanks for popping by and for all your wonderful comments.  I do hope you will now pop over to Julia's and join in the WOYWW madness but be warned cos it is addictive  :-)


  1. Wipso, your latest projects are such an inspiration! I especially like your bluebells pic! Enjoy your WOYWW!


  2. wow fab pics and sounds like a fun day I plan on joining my craft group tonight so much fun crafting with other women

  3. Wow love the bluebell picture and your garden looks lovely - have fun at the scans

  4. Wow the Bluebell picture is gorgeous.
    What a lovely idea to make the tree into a playtent - lovely for little imaginative minds.
    Julie xxxxx

  5. I love your garden too - that's why I keep pretending I neeed to dig your veg patch!!!

  6. fab piccies there - we had a willow like that as children - loved it..

  7. Loving my visit today! I went to Kew at the weekend for the bluebells, they were gorgeous. Great colours for the bridesmaid dresses - very bright and colourful!

  8. Oh how beautiful the bluebell woods are - I was in England last week and have seen a few - soooo lovely! Ha, ha so you will get info on the knitting jobs this week - well I hope the little babies are growing well and I am sure you will knit some lovely things for them!
    Lots of hugs,

  9. Beautiful garden the piccys are gorgeous .Must say this year ive seen more blue bells than in along while whihc so nice to see.Your inspiration for your picture can be surely seen in these photos it is beautiful.
    Have Happy Creative Woyww 100
    hugs judex 28

  10. what a wonderful time of year for you, with all the beautiful flowers. your garden is so lovely and how nice for the children to have a place to play under the weeping willow. your garden really does make for great inspiration. the bluebell woods pic is so lovely. it must take a lot of practice in dumfing to come up with something like that.

  11. Oooh, I love your Bluebell Woods picture! And how lovely that the inspiration is from your own lovely garden!
    Also loving the little bitty hoody! I want one in my size!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen #55

  12. What a wonderful post. That was a brilliant idea to cut the door in the tree they love it.
    I LOVE that hoody and your Bluebell wood picture is captivating ...brought back memories of taking the children, when they were little, to the bluebell laden woods when we live in Norwood... I think we went to Seven Oaks.

  13. Beautiful pictures and the little jacket is soooo cute. happy WOYWW

  14. What a lovely post, great photos of your lovely garden and love your dumfed pic too.
    Great idea to cut the tree into a room for the chlidren, it will be so exciting.
    Love JoZarty x

  15. love those bridesmaid colours and that garden is beautiful, must have taken loads of hard work

  16. so much crating yumminess - love the graduated colour on that hoodie - wonderful - babies need to stay smaller longer to show these stunners off.

    Thanks for sharing your space,

    Sarah at 4

  17. Beautiful knittie! Thanks for the snoop :)

  18. Hello Annie,

    What lovely posts you have over the last couple of weeks, how lovely to read that you will be there for the sexing scan shortly, how exciting?!

    Your knitties are all looking beautiful and so neatly stored too Annie! I love the recent one, the pattern is super, they all love hoodies dont they!

    Your beautiful bluebell picture is adorable but I was only saying yesterday that our usual big bluebell wood was very very disappointing this year. They all came up at different times so we didnt ever get the full effect which was such a shame as I was eagerly awaiting the full show, never mind eh!

    Have a fab week,
    Keryn x

  19. You are an inspiration love your knits and the bluebell wood.
    Kathleen x

  20. Well, we started off the journey today by talking about the colours for baby hoodies, then relaxed into that beautiful choice of colours for bridesmaid dresses (I agree, great choice). Then it was dumfing all the way and finally we were treated to a wonderful array of garden flowers.
    Thank you for that wonderful assault on one of my senses. I loved every minute of it but spied more garden on the post below - off for a nosey.
    Hugs, neet x

  21. gorgeous knitting work, beautiful pics, Thank you for sharing your workspace, Happy WOYWW! Crikey has it really been 100 weeks!! #3

  22. I love that dumfed pic! The jacket's gorgeous too! TFS Elaine #19

  23. Oh the willow tree is fab...oh the fun and the tea parties to be lucky the littlies are! Love your tuesday dumfing outcome, it's beautiful. I agree about the bridesmaids dresses - they will look great.

  24. What a busy week! dont know what dumfing is and havent got time to look at the moment but hope to catch up soon as it sounds intruiging and your picture is wonderful. Sunshine Girl No. 32

  25. I'm in LOVE with the bluebells in the woods. This felted beauty is awesome. And if you miss funday Monday, then funday Tuesday is the time to make it up. Great idea. Happy WOYWW (#6).

  26. I always love how productive you are, week after week. The bluebell piece is seriously stunning.

    Mary Anne

  27. Sooo much on your posting today. Everything pretty especially your little picture - gorgeous!!

  28. sorry i never popped in - I just relaxed and stayed put...

    also sorry for the tears, he actually did that five times not just the three you saw....

    love the very brave bridesmaids colour range,


  29. Your bluebell picture is lovely, thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW x

  30. Yet another amazing picture Annie, it’s not surprising you get inspiration from your garden, it’s looking great.

    Happy Crafting

  31. Love the hidey hole, you & hubby should have lots of fun in there!!!!!

  32. you girls must go in overdrive when you get together. I so love all the dumfing...(did I use it right? LOL) I actually used your wonderful word on my blog last week!

  33. Fabulous piccies Wipso! Your garden is a delight - I truly think you're really Superwoman in disguise!! Love the dumfing piccie too. Hugs, Di x

  34. YOur garden is stunning and your grandchildren will be thrilled when they find a lovely cubby. You have been busy with the knitting,dumfing and the usual work. Wow.... Thanks for the beautiful poem.

  35. The bridesmaids dress colours are lovely. Your wisteria is looking fab. we have just had a fir tree taken out of the front garden and it has left a huge section of trellis bare which we think a Wisteria would look good against.
    Hugs Mrs A. #128

  36. I enjoyed all your sharing and pics of your projects. The kids are bound to love the willow fort. Off to find out about dumfing.

  37. cute hoodie, and scans are sooo exciting.

    Love the willow tree tent - I loved playing inside willow trees as a kid


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