Thursday 28 April 2011

I love this time of year.....

I really love this time of year.  I seem to be surrounded by the beauty of nature and the promise of what's to come.  I just couldn't resist snapping a few pics to share with you all....
My tulips and aquilegia flowers [granny's bonnets] are in full bloom.  The granny's bonnets seem to have spread even more this year and are shooting up everywhere....I guess this could be called a weed if it was anywhere else?....I just love the colours of their blooms so we leave them to grow where they choose.

We have a garden full of beautiful blue bells.  These also spread every year and we have now moved some to grow freely down the bottom of our garden in the 'back to nature' bit under the trees where we have a bird hide, feeders and bird houses.  Although we live in the middle of a village the bottom of our garden is really quiet and the birds love it.

Our wooden arch in the back garden is coming to life as the wisteria comes into bloom.

The first little seedlings are just peeping through where I have planted a row of radishes.

The strawberry flowers are all opening out in the beautiful sunshine we have today.

What a fabulous time of year eh?


  1. Hi Wipso! Gorgeous piccies - ain't it a lovely time of year. I've just counted 15 poppy heads waiting to burst into bloom on a plant that's gone berserk this year. They're a lovely peachy colour - do keep posting your garden photos, they're great! Di x

  2. Bluebells and Primroses and Forget-me-knots grow wild in my garden now I'm trying to encourage the Aquilligia (Granny Bonnets) to do the same!
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. I love it too Annie - your photos are aquilegia have yet to flower, although there's stacks of 'em...strawberries at a similar stage to peony is currently claiming all garden the potential of this time of year, bursting with goodness and colour.

  4. My tulips have all just about finished now but the strawberry plant is doing well. Both my peony(deep pink) and poppy (red) have loads of buds this year so hoping for a good show. Hugs Mrs A.

  5. More fab pics - I do hope the rest of the seeds are still safe and sound and getting ready to burst from the earth in a plentiful supply of lusciousness!!

  6. I agree. April/May is the best time of year. So many beautiful flowers and shrubs in bloom. Love your photos.


  7. WOW!..Lovely wisteria..such a beautiful plant isn't it?...hoping ours will cover the front of the house in a couple of years
    Hugs X


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