Thursday, 2 December 2010

Aw bless them...

I've seen so many pictures of snow on other blogs and am really pleased to work from home and do not have to go out into it.  Of course this doesn't apply to my little dogs....they love it and run about like idiots in it.  The old lady of the 3 tends to ask to come in before the others and will then stand at the patio door watching the other two play. 

This is how they came in this morning....

.....How can so much snow attach itself to the feet of such little dogs?  :-)  They are now thawing out nicely and leaving puddles everywhere!


  1. Hope the puddles are just melted snow!!!!!

  2. They are so cute, my two are just the same they love it and run around the park really excited and get covered in snow.
    Pat xx

  3. Awe Bless them!!! My springer used to go crazy in the snow & would come in with lumps of ice under the tummy, tail, toes....everywhere! XXX

  4. Aww Bless her. Dillon has been having a crazy time in the snow. I hate it when you take your snowy boots off then step in the cold puddle in your socks !

  5. just thank your lucky stars you don't havfe two hulking labradors doing the same the puddles believe me are much bigger!!

  6. aw sweet! give them all a cuddle from me.

  7. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing ever! Poor babies!

  8. Hi..sooo cute haha
    Hoping to come cay next week have mailed so let me know when is the best afternoon
    Hugs x

  9. Aw they are so cute! I hope it doesn't snow too deep there, though, or your poor doggies will get buried in it!

    Stay cozy, see you at WOYWW!


  10. Annie - Dylan is the same - its clumps to him in bobbles... i'm gonna get him some wellies!!!

    Paula x x x


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