Wednesday 3 November 2010


First I have a confession....Last week's WOYWW was launched automatically for while I was away and although we did get back home Wednesday evening since then my feet have rarely touched the ground so I haven't manage to do any return visits on my blogging friends.  Sorry.  I will aim to do better this week....promise.

Last Thursday morning I had to have my routine mammogram in Shrewsbury so Twiglet and I decided to use the opportunity to have a quick shop and lunch in Shrewsbury....bliss

Friday morning Twiglet and I paid a visit to Tina, from Indigo Moon in Montgomery, to discuss helping stock her tables for a Craft Fair. It's on Saturday 27th November in the town hall. So, if you fancy splashing out on a few fab hand crafted Christmas gifts then come along and see what we have been up to!!  Of course we chatted over a coffee [thank you Tina] and it was really special to wow another crafter with our crafty bits and bobs.

As you may well have seen on my previous post Saturday was another wow filled day for me.  It was spent oohing and awing over the most gorgeous dresses and making plans for our eldest daughter's special day.

Monday was a 'back to work' day for me and oh how I've been missed  :-)  As you can see my rail very quickly filled but of course Monday is Funday here and Twiglet came down as usual for the day.  We counted, wrote down the codes etc and filled boxes with lots of goodies ready for the up and coming craft fair and then set to to have creative fun. 

Tina had asked us to have a go at making some brooches using fabrics that melt around the edges and then layering them up and beading the middles.  As you will all know we are happy to have a go at anything and have even surprised ourselves how successful they are so far.  I still have finishing touches to put to mine but of course Twiglet has already finished hers and will probably have put them on her blog today  :-)

As you can imagine Tuesday had to be a catch up day and although I did nip out first thing for a quick hair cut I spent the rest of the day head down at the sewing machine  :-)  [ that is apart from a quick coffee break mid morning with Twiglet and another mid afternoon with my Tuesday coffee friend].....well, a girl just has to have some fun  :-)

I have lots and lots on my 'to do' list as well as clearing my 'to do' rail...
  • Make Christmas cards using my fab fabrics
  • Finish off my brooches started Monday
  • Finish off my lap blanket you will have seen on prev posts
  • Make a Mr Tumble for my Granddaughter's birthday [this weekend!]
  • Make some flower balls that I saw on Suz's blog
  • ........the list goes on and on  :-)
As I'm still catching up on clearing my rail today, and of course as I clear some yet more arrives, I will be doing my best to blog hop in between jobs.  Thank for dropping in and leaving your lovely comments.  Please pop over to Julia's blog to catch up on other crafting spaces.

Now just a quick snap to make you smile.  You will have seen that beautiful daughter of mine on the previous post trying on those gorgeous dresses for her up and coming Wedding.  Last night  was a gathering of the clan here so that she could see her little niece P to give her some early birthday presents.  Little P sat down with Aunty M and excitedly opened her presents and was thrilled with them all but especially when Aunty M tried out one of them for size.....

It's a Peppa pig fancy dress outfit with a hat and maybe, just maybe this could be the style of the head dress for her Wedding?  Little P thought she looked wonderful  :-)


  1. he he great shot,of the peppa pig and just love those flowers you have made,hugs cherylx 21

  2. hi.. thanks for the mention..kidney ok but back ache from movin nd shiftin yesterday hehe...knew l'd be punished lol
    Hows the doorway going?
    Hugs Suz x

  3. What a mad lot we are - I love the hat but maybe something more subtle for her big day? lol

  4. Yes, I can see that working for a wedding, lol! GReat post as always.

  5. Oh I love those melted edge flowers. I am always afraid I will burn down the house when I am doing them tho' :)

    Cute Peppa. So sad DD has outgrown her.

    Mary Anne

  6. Wow, check you out with all your busy-ness!

    Those flower brooches look brill, I bet they sell well


  7. Those flowers look fab - glad you had a good time in Shrewsbury!

  8. Yes Twiglet's brooches are there, I've popped over for a look!

    I want to see how you create a Mr tumble so please remembr to take a piccie and share!

    ** Kate **

  9. Inspiringly busy Wipso - am very sure that punctuating such business with coffee and present opening sessions is by far the way to cope! LOVE the brooches, bet you're excited about the craft stall huh!

  10. With all u have to do, I'm honored that u have already snuck in a visit to me (#37)! Your busy life sounds wonderfully creative....those brooches look great...have a great WOYWW!

  11. pigheaded - ha ah aha hahahahhaaa

    love it

    Dx 46

  12. Gorgeous flowers - will have to get some done myself.
    Love visituing your blog and seeing what you have been up to - love that Piggy this week - you are so clever.

  13. Hi ya hun
    sounds like you have been well busy, the flowers look fab, as for the hat its a must have, lol great piccie,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,(17)x

  14. LOVE your flowers hun, they are simply divine.. Peppa pig made me LOL - it would certainly make a different head-dress LOL x

  15. The flowers look fab, and the pig headdress could start a new trend you never know! Have a good week, Judith xx

  16. Lovely post as always, the singed flower brooches are beautiful! So much excitement around your place and wonderful things to celebrate! Thanks for sharing!
    ~Shari #94

  17. ha ha love Peppa Pig! As for lists, I am good at wriying them but thats about all!

  18. Love the brooches, to die for.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, if you are interested I have linked the tutorial for the snowflakes on my post.

    Hugs Carol x

  19. the flowers are so cool, finished or not they still look good. caroline #16

  20. busy , busy, like the Peppa pig hat!

  21. DD will just have to borrow that hat for her hen night!
    She looks so lovely in all the dresses and hope she finds THE special one soon. Bet you shed a tear or two seeing her there. Lovely posts and thanks for sharing.
    Hugs JoZarty x

  22. a quick nosy on mums blog and what should I stumble across........a picture of me in a pig hat!!!!!?? MOTHER! How funny....i think fiancee B would laugh if I walked down the aisle in that! xxx

  23. Hi Wipso! I was planning on making some flower brooches in the weekend but I got sidetracked. Lovely flowers!
    Patsy from

  24. Well, you certainly have been busy. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)

  25. Beautiful flowers really pretty! JO xxxx (WOYWW 32)

  26. hehehe great Peppa Pig, love them brooches muchly. Joey.x

  27. Love the Peppa! The fabric flowers are fab and good luck with that to do list!! Robin

  28. You are so busy busy busy!!! Enjoy your week. Kathleen x

  29. Cute photo of your daughter! I thought I was busy but I think you get the crown. Just poppin' in from WOYWW for the first time...will be back.

  30. Well you have had a busy week and still lots to do. Love Mr Tumble in your newest cute!


  31. Ooh Wipso, what a lot going on! Your daughters "wedding head dress" reminds me of that episode of The Vicar of Dibley, where she has to get married in her pyjamas!!

    Brenda 88

  32. Cute piggy but Mr Tumble is still the coolest!

    Happy WOYWW

  33. Quite a To Do List! Your daughter looks wonderful indeed! Too cute!

  34. i love the hat...seriously...i do ;0)

    you are so amazingly talented with all the wonderful things you do...and how quick you are whipping up a whole man in an afternoon!

  35. Great flowers and Mr. Tumble is a real dandy! Lovely work...
    sasa 25

  36. Hi Annie - I've had trouble leaving comments on your blog and a couple of others so sorry about that!

    i can't believe the attitude of the first shop - in this economic climate they should be wining the customers and differntiating themselves through their service especially as its such a competitive field to be in...

    Hope she finds the dress of her dreams soon - but i bet she'll have a lot of fun looking!

    Paula x x x

  37. after all that, i've put the comment under the wrong post - hey ho. you know where i'm coming from!!! LOL

    Paula x x x

  38. Those flower brooches will be a great seller I am sure. Sadly I am too far away to attend the craft fair, but I wish you all well!
    Sue xx 73

  39. Peppa the Pig is so cute! Is she wearing a crown? How fabulous!
    You are busy with a capital B!
    Thanks for the peek into your life!

  40. What lovely flowers, what gorgeous dresses for your daughter's special day, what a fun outing. Love the Peppa pig shot. Happy belated from #1.


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