Friday 5 November 2010

Mr Tumble...

As some of you will have seen on my to do list in the prev post I planned to make my gorgeous little Granddaughter P a Mr  Tumble doll for her second birthday this Saturday.  She loves his programme and is already able to use many of the signs he uses.  She doesn't have special needs but I am certain the more that can converse with children that do the better.

As a lot of you don't know who Mr Tumble is [and why would you unless you have a pre-school child in your life?] I thought I would add a pic of the real thing.  He is a clown played by Justin Fletcher on Something Special which is a programme aimed at special needs children and he uses Makaton Sign language......It's a brilliant programme and all little children seem to love it.
Several asked for updates when I made him so here goes......

 Firstly I have an old favourite when it comes to doll making.  I have used the rag doll pattern from this book very many times and adapted it each time to suit the needs of the doll.  It makes a doll about 16" in height so it is a very huggable size.

I have selected all the materials needed.

I don't have any striped yellow fabric so.....

.....I stripe my own with blue stitching  :-)

Here you can see I have started to make his body.  Iv'e made this pattern so many times now that it is like creating an old friend.

This is the body completed and now I can make him have a personality.

I have made a wig from long fur fabric and glued it in place before stitching it....don't worry he will get a hair cut  :-)

I made the clothes by adapting the pattern to make his waistcoat with yellow sleeves with velcro fastenings, a red dickie bow tieand red felt buttons.....You have to get the details right or they notice you know  :-)

Ta da!

I have added black felt shoes and made him a spotty bag....You can't have a Mr Tumble without his spotty bag can you?  I'm sure I will have one happy Granddaughter on Saturday....don't you agree?  :-)


  1. WOW WOW WOW he is gorgeous Annie! xxx

  2. Oh! he's fun! He is gorgeous
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  3. He is perfect - I am sure P will love him to bits!

  4. Hopped right over to see when I got your message. He is brilliant!!! My 2 year old loves Mr Tumble too and does some of the signs as he is chattering away.

    ** Kate **

  5. wow! He is absolutely gorgeous and your Granddaughter is going to be thrilled to bits

  6. oh wowoowooow this is just tooo cute for words, Mr Tumble is the tops!

  7. He is lovely, we are big fans of Gigglebiz at Twiggy Towers :)
    Twiggy x

  8. you are just so clever - personally, i've never watched that programme - but i can be confident you have it spot on... what a talented Nanny you are!!! She'll love it.

    Paula x x x

  9. Wow he is fantastic and you will have a very happy gd. Thanks for saying hi on my blog.

  10. He's FAB! Isn't it funny what we will take on for kids/grandkids? Of course you are a seamstress of the highest order - I am not sure I would have even considered my "big girl" doll had my MIL (also a seamstress of the highest order) not conveniently been in town!

    It is funny, too, that my first doll was a Lola doll, and because (I guess like Mr Tumble) she wasn't available as a commercial item, from the BBC store or elsewhere. It makes us "get creative", doesn't it? :)

    Mary Anne

  11. oh wow you should market those - my foster son would LOVE one of those - the signing Mr Tumble does is really good for him!!!

    thanks for the lovely comment on my blog - it was very sweet of you. hope you're doing well, have a great weekend xx

  12. He's fabulous and if he goes down half as well as Mr Tumble mark1 did with Ruby - well, everyone elses pressies wont get a look in ;)

  13. Vickie is right, you should market these right away! This is so adorable and I'm sure your grandaughter shall treasure it. You are extremely clever!
    Hugs, Donna x

  14. What a fab Granny you are, she will be talking about this for years to come. Absolutely brilliant piece of work.

  15. i wish i had a gran like you when i was wee! mine kept chickens and smoked a pipe....anyway. this is fantastic!
    love teen x

  16. Arh loving mister tumble so so cute x

  17. Wow! Mr Tumble is fabulous! You are going to have a VERY happy granddaughter!

  18. Fantastic doll...she will adore him without doubt lol
    Bet you won't be making this afternoon then if it's grand daughters birthday?..have a fab day
    Hugs Suz x

  19. thanks for letting me know..totaly understand same here really hehe
    Christmas crafts show on this weekend too don't know weather to go or not!!!!
    Enjoy the painting look forward to seeing it all finished
    Hugs Suz x

  20. You did an amazing job on Mr. Tumble. Grandaughter P. has such a wonderful keepsake and Grandma-ma.

  21. His is so brilliant - how could anyone fail to smile seeing his cheerful face?! I miss the days of pre-school tv I used to watch when mine were little! xx


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