Thursday 11 November 2010

My Afternoon's I mean play :-) .....

I would hate you all to think that just because my 'to do' rail is empty at the mo that I'm sat here twiddling my thumbs  :-)  I have been making my Christmas card toppers this afternoon.  They are all different in some way....even if it's only a subtly different stitch.  As you can see there is a half finished pile on the right that I will be starting my day off tomorrow with.


  1. I just knew from your picture yesterday that your toppers were going to look fabulous.

    Absolutely gorgeous!


  2. Wow - they look fab!! Its so wild and windy here tonight - I decided to sit in the cosy lounge with the laptop instead of crafting- well thats my excuse!!!

  3. oh wow hun these look just amazing oh gosh so many and the designs are really beautiful hugs cheryl xxxx

  4. all of that in one afternoon?

  5. Oh Annie these look super! I really love the xmas fabrics so I can't wait to see some of your finished cards using them!

    Thank goodness your poor hubby was wearing gloves or it could have been a lot different.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Keryn x

  6. Is your 'to do' rail empty because you've been stitching at the speed of light, or is it because the weather's so awful no-one's made their way to your door? Either way, it's given you time to stitch some beautiful toppers. Well done.

  7. Oh these look absolutely fabulous. I love them -- they have Christmas all over them, am slowly getting into the spirit heh. How exactly did you make them if I may ask? They fabric on fabric right?

  8. OH MY GOSH. I love these. They are so beautiful and wonderful stitchery.


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