Thursday 11 November 2010

Meet my latest creation.....

She's finished now and before I give her away I thought I snap her and share her with you all.  She is for another of my special little friends.  A bit of wool and a couple of evenings can cause a lot of smiles  :-)


  1. So sweet! Reminds me of the dolls my mother-in-law crochets -- hmmm, sounds like a good idea for a layout. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Awe...she is really lovely Ann!!! Does she have a name yet? xxx

  3. Awww how sweet, you are such a clever, talented lady! Hope your grandaughter loved Mr Tumble! xx

  4. She's sweet. My God Mother was a superb knitter & I had the Whinny the Phoo characters all knitted for me. Sadly they perished when stored when I grew up as the mice took a liking to the capoc (is that right?) filling !

  5. And what a happy little smile she has too xx

  6. So cute definitely bring a smile xx


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