Wednesday 27 October 2010


Hello my blogging friends.  I have been away for a few days well earned rest and to celebrate my Birthday but am back today.  We had a lovely few days in a cottage near Skipton with some very special Dutch friends.  We met them on a campsite in France in 2000 and vowed to meet up at least once every year.  Good friends should be treasured and although we have only a short time with them each year it's like we have never been apart and share lots of fun and laughter together....just what the Dr ordered  :-)

So for whats on my work desk this morning ....

.....I only have one item on my 'to do' rail so far.  It's a skiing jacket that needs a new open-ended zip.  It has lots of top stitching to unpick before I can replace the zip so it will take me a while.  I have now got 1034 customers so doubt my rail will stay so empty for long  :-)

.....I have just got my Christmas materials out for some inspiration as to what I am going to do for my Christmas cards this year.  I have such a lot of lovely materials but so far I'm not feeling very inspired....any ideas girls?

That's all from me today girls so if you want to pop over to Julia's blog you can have a snoop at lots of other crafter's desks and catch up with what they have been up to this week.


  1. Glad you have had a lovely restful weekend away, you deserve it. Love your pile of Christmas materials, how pretty they are.

  2. You seem to have had a lovely birthday. The fabrics are interesting, I like the blue and lilac and would probably put them together. Other than that, no ideas!!
    sue xx 56

  3. Hey I think I have some of that same fabric.... good luck!!

    Shirley Pumpkin #41

  4. Hope we get to see what you come up with

    Happy WOYWW
    mandii xx

  5. Me neither, have no inspiration yet for x-mas cards. Too early?

    Happy belated Birthday, dear Annie and wishing you good health, all the rest will be coming alone then.

    P.S. You are very right that one should treasure good friends and not postpone any possibility to meet with them!

  6. Oh wow wonderful sewing place.

  7. Wow, that's quite a number of customers Wipso!
    Sadly I'm devoid of Chrissy card ideas at the mo... don't even know what I'm going to do for my own personal ones!
    Hey Ho!
    Chrissie #9

  8. We must put our thinking caps on and come up with a fab idea to use those gorgeous fabrics. See you tomorrow??

  9. Great that you met up with your friends! Loving the fabrics there too...
    sasa 28

  10. Your rail looks perfect for someone who's just back from a break! Who needs loads of work to return to anyway!! Im sure you'll have washloads etc to keep you busy plus visiting a certain Sock Lady who clearly has been missing her sparring partner!!

    Keryn x

  11. Christmas fabric, I am imagining the possibilities. S #84

  12. Hope you had a lovely birthday. That xmas fabric looks lovely,look forward to seeing what you create.

  13. love the blue coloured fabric. caroline #14

  14. Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations. All that Christmas fabric is lovely, especially the blue :D #65

  15. You certainly did earn that rest ... I hope you had a great birthday X

  16. Wow those peices of material look soooo delicous, look forward to deeing what you make xx

  17. sounds like you had a fun time away for your birthday. I'm a snowflake girl when it comes to Christmas cards so a piece of blue fabric stitched around with a large punched snowflake and I'd be away! But don't forget your embellisher trees from the other week, they'd be cool on a card :) Sarah #110

  18. A belated birthday from me and him. Glad you were able to meet up with your friends and have a lovely time.

  19. So nice to have a break and meet up with frinds again. Hope you had a great birthday too.

    Brenda 89

  20. Glad to hear you had a nice weekend catching up with old friends. Looking forward to seeing your cards, love the christmas material x

  21. Happy birthday albeit a little late Annie .
    Love the Christmas fabrics -- look forward to seeing what you do with them
    Anne xxx

  22. i am making two quilted advent calenders - one for each of my tiny nephews and I have soem lovely half fat quarter ( that would be an eighth then?) with which I shall create tiny frogs ( not sure why- think it may be the green colour that made me think ophhh frogs )


  23. Glad to hear you had a nice break - lovely material you have there. Thanks for sharing (no. 26)

  24. Very lovely Christmas stuff - and a restful weekend is always good.

  25. Love your material - imagine what you can do with that blue one. Utterly gorgeous. #46

  26. A rare occurrence indeed Annie to see your rail so empty but I’m sure that knowing you it won’t stay that way for long.
    The stash of Christmas material looks so lush.
    Maybe you could make some tiny rosettes and arrange thing into a wreath on the front of cards….just a thought!


  27. Nice to hear you had a good break. Let us know what you make with all those fabrics.

    ** Kate **

  28. That Christmas fabric is lovely but I can't offer up any ideas for your cards, sorry. Elizabeth #51

  29. Glad you had a great birthday and special times with dear friends.
    Hope you find some inspiration soon, I'm sure you will!


  30. Some really lovely material here. Glad to hear you had a lovely birthday. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 24)

  31. How nice to hear that you've enjoyed a break, I must say I often worry about your pace! Those fabrics are about stitching narrow tubes, filling them with a strand of thick wool and plaiting three into a wreath to stick on a card? I know, easy for me to say!!

  32. Morning Annie
    how did the shopping go yesterday
    Was it for you or the star of the show? hehe
    Hope it was a fun filled day and everyone found something they liked ready for the big day
    Thanks...Feeling better this morning
    thank goodness!
    Hugs Suz x

  33. Happy Belated Birthday! Those fabrics are lovely and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  34. Still moving slowly, but had to stop by and wish you a very belated WOYWW. Your C-word fabric really DoES inspire, especially that blue. (15).

  35. Your fabrics are lovely, and I know you will make them into something even more lovely! Glad you had a nice break and thanks for the peek!
    ~Shari #130


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