Thursday 21 October 2010

A blog well worth a visit....

I have been following an amazing blog for a while now and would love to share it with all my blogging friends.  Michelle Palmer makes the most amazing items with very beautiful unique designs on.  She is a really talented artist and her blog is well worth a visit.  She is having a giveaway at the moment to celebrate her amazing sales but to be honest her achievement doesn't surprise me one bit cos the items she makes are just so lovely.  I especially love the little birds she draws.  Do pop over here to check her talents out.  It's well worth the visit.


  1. Hello there!

    What a lovely link, thank you for sharing such a talented artist and such a lovely blog!!

    Julia x x x

  2. Thank you for the link my lovely, off for a peek X

  3. Oh thanks I will pop over !

    Dillon is adorable but the reason why I never have a clean house !

  4. Great link...hope you had a fab Birthday
    Hugs xx

  5. You're a gem!
    Thanks so very much~

    Hope you have a wonderful week!


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