Monday 23 August 2010

Did I have a holiday?....

Someone told me I have had my summer holiday. :-)

As you can imagine life very quickly returns to my normal plate spinning routine. You will be pleased to hear at the moment I am still able to save all the spinning plates from dropping.....just.

My 'to do' rail filled very rapidly on Friday....I had 3 male customers call all at once and all with arms full of sewing!

Having taken my neighbour B into hospital on Wednesday she was discharged on Friday back to the Care home so it was another settling in for her on Friday night [alas the hospital failed to inform anyone of what they found wrong with her]. Each move finds her more and more upset and frightened in her confused state. Bless her if only she could be anywhere long enough to settle in. Her feet managed to touch the ground on Saturday but bless her she was rushed back to hospital [with yours truly in close pursuit again] on Sunday morning. After yet more long hours in A & E she was again admitted to the ward for observation and as far as I'm aware that's where she remains. Today she has to attend a fracture clinic for her broken leg and very likely she will be transferred back to the care home either later today or tomorrow. Old age really doesn't have a lot going for it does it?

In between hospital visits, care home visits etc etc I have managed to fit in the most enjoyable Saturday afternoon at Shrewsbury theatre at a Knit and Natter group organised by the wonderful Suz.
She happily taught me to do the Spike stitch crochet that she has been doing on her blog and I came home with the most amazing 10 balls of wool bought from her stock. She sells it at a very reasonable price so if anyone wants some pop over to Suz blog to find out more.

I managed to quickly make another batch of beetroot chutney and here are all the chopped up ingredients ready to be simmered made 6 more jars of yummyness :-)

I also had a wonderful couple of hours with my youngest daughter A and her gorgeous little girls P and L. P is now 21 months, a real little girl and loves having her hair put up into pig tails...she had such fun playing in the garden with a little bucket and the garden chippings and playing hide and seek with her Granddad along the paths that weave through our garden :-)
Little L is now 4 1/2 months and is so much like her mummy as a little girl with big brown eyes and the most gorgeous sandy red hair....oh aren't we blessed :-)

So girls that's my busy weekend.....How was yours?


  1. Thanks for the mention...snap hehe
    Had time to play yesterday so quite chilled weekend for me..poor you and your neighbour though most unsettling.....why do they keep sending her back and forth is beyond me..when the hospital finds nothing wrong?..mad
    hope things improve for her
    Hugs Suz xx

  2. Well you sure didnt have any time to sit long but it does sound like a very active and interesting weekend Annie!

    How lovely to have your family over to spend some time.

    Keryn x

  3. Those knitting wools would make a wonderful giant canvas - the colours are fab!
    What a shame your neighbour's treatment is so offhand and inconsiderate - it's just awful how little care we take over vulnerable people's feelings.
    The chutney is looking good!

  4. Your poor wonder she is confused poor love. If they are not saying what is wrong thats double confusion for her too :(

    ooooo what lovely wool!!! Gorgeous colours, look forward to what you do with it my lovely XXX

  5. Hi Annie
    So sorry to hear your neighbour has been back in hospital. What a worrying time for you all. I hope this week is more settling for her.xx Awe, so lovely you had some quality time with your little angels. Mmm scrummy wool & chutney. I hope you have a lovely week with no unwanted surprises. Well done for learning the new crochet pattern. Woohoo..xx


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.