Thursday 19 August 2010

Apologies to my WOYWW friends.......

Many apologies to anyone who I didn't manage to get to this week...... think I managed 80 but was then called away. I doubt I wont manage to get to more this week as I am needed elsewhere.

My little neighbour who was transferred to the nursing home on Monday was rushed to hospital yesterday morning with a suspected heart attack. I am her 'next of kin' although not actually related. She is just a good neighbour and a friend of over 21 years. Twiglet came to the hospital with me and we sat in A & E for over 4 hours before she was admitted to the ward. Bless her she is confused and of course found it all rather I was made well aware of why I still have an empty 'to do' rail.....She needed me :-)

Through my life this has happened so many times .....when I'm needed elsewhere my work load lessons and I find myself in the right place at the right time.

As soon as she was settled on the ward we had to call in at the nursing home to inform them of her condition and to pick up all her nighties and toiletries etc and then pop home for a bite to eat. I then did a quick turn round and, with my darling hubby, we popped her things back into her. I must have been away for over an hour but we had only been back with her for about 5 mins when the Dr came to examine her. [right place right time again] Bless her, she is so confused and really struggled to answer any of his questions so of course that was what I was there for [my nursing training is so useful at so very many times]. I was able to give him all the info that he needed. He was a really lovely Dr. Very patient and understanding and was more than happy to repeat himself many times to reassure B.

He didn't think it was a heart attack but was keeping her in for a day or two to do more tests and be sure before sending her back to the care home. Fingers crossed.

I will try to pop back here when I can but you can imagine there is lots I need to do....lets hope that 'to do' rail remains empty for a while eh?


  1. awe, Bless you Annie. It sounds like you were in the right place at the right time. Your neighbour is very lucky to have you as a friend. I know you will.. but remember to take care of yourself too. Sending you lots & lots of cyber hugs. I know time is precious. Thank you for popping on here & letting us know & for dropping me a line too. Thinking of you in the days ahead. Fingers crossed for your rail! funny how things happen.. Hugs, Gez.xx

  2. Oh Annie, that is sad news, your friend is certainly going through it but she is very lucky to have you by her side. Sending you very special HUGS XXX

  3. What a guardian angel you are - I hope she makes a good recovery.
    take care

  4. Sorry to hear about your neighbour. I hope she is ok. Good that you got a nice Dr as they can be a bit thin on the ground sometimes! Hope your not too wapped out from it all. It takes it of you doesn't it?
    I totally missed woyww as I was niece sitting & snuggling!! Hugs x x

  5. What a lovely friend you are and do hope your neighbour improves soon
    thinking of you all
    Big Hugs Suz x

  6. Wipso I think you may be a living Angel,

    bless you


  7. I hope your neighbor will be better soon. She's so blessed to have you as her friend.

  8. Big Hugs Annie, a very lucky lady, and hope she is soon well, take care.

  9. You may not get on pc today but hope all is well with neighbour
    Thinking of you and sending love
    Hugs Suz x

  10. In the grand scheme of things, what u did for your neighbor was so much more important. You were an angel without wings! =D

  11. What a wonderful friend & neighbour you are. Glad you had cleared your work as you'd be worried about it.
    Glad my cats have cheered you - our animals make us laugh a lot and there always seems to be something going on one way or another.
    Look after yourself too won't you ? xx

  12. What a kind neighbour you are and i just hope she has a speedy recovery x

  13. Wishing your dear friend and neighbour a thorough recovery Annie.

    Hope you manage to get a few quiet moments to yourself throughout all of this too. Lovely to know your hubby is supportive also.

    If you're not at home to receive the dressmaking work there wont be any, well, hopefully!

    Thinking of you all Annie.
    Keryn x

  14. You are a very kind person to care for an elderly neighbour that way. I'm glad you were there for her to prevent her getting more frightened than she already was. I hope she is better soon.

  15. I'm back home so taking a late peek at WOYWWers. Sounds like you've had a similar time to me with some of life's traumas thrown at you/us. Hope all's well again soon,
    JoZarty x


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