Wednesday 12 May 2010


Good morning to one and all. I really hope you are all having a really good week. What's on my work desk today?

Trousers ! Trousers ! Trousers ! Trousers ! I had a new customer ring me yesterday morning asking if she could bring some trousers for me to shorten....what she didn't add was there were 10 pairs of them! So, guess what I'm doing today? To be honest they are already half done.

Yesterday was catch up Tuesday after another really fab fun day Monday. This is my 'finished' rail and you can see....I finished major alterations on a gorgeous turquoise jacket, put a button and buttonhole on the top of a pair of shorts, shortened 2 pair of jeans, took the hood off a hooded jacket and made a little stand up collar for it, shortened the sleeves on a coat, repaired a school jumper.....and half did the 10 pair of trousers! Oh and I stopped work at 3.30 to have my coffee with my friend who always calls on a Tuesday :-) [a girl's just got to have some fun too!]

This is what I would really like to get to play with later today. I have dyed some fabric pale blue to work a picture of crab apple blossom onto. I have 4 little pics of branches off my tree for inspiration and reference and have sorted some gorgeous fabrics in the colours I want to use. You can also see the latest poppy picture and little Candy clown insisted on getting in the picture. [You can see him in detail in the last blog.]

For the garden lovers amongst you this is the crab apple tree in all it's glory that is just outside my kitchen window. Isn't nature wonderful? I am surrounded by inspiration for my pictures.

Thanks for dropping in and leaving all your lovely comments. Please pop over to Julia the queen on snoop's and join in the fun by showing us your work desk.


  1. Hello,
    You have been very busy!
    I hope you get time to work on your new project today.
    The crab apple tree is beautiful.
    Clare x

  2. Om my gawsh, I really thought I was busy this week! I do have the sewing machine out though....I'll probably be whinging about it at some stage! The crab apple is amazing - look forward to the picture!

  3. Goodness you have been busy but I am glad you have fitted in having some fun too! I can't wait to see how the crab appled picture turns out, bet it will be great! Have a great week. Tracey x

  4. I wish I had your talent with a sewing machine, I think I would have broken out in sheer panic if I was landed with those trousers! lol.

  5. Golly loads of trousers. Oh wish I could sew better than I do. WOW love the Crab Apple tree. The blossom is always amazing on them, like confetti when it falls. Thanks for sharing again, Love Hazelxox

  6. Oh gosh me n sewing machines don't get on!! hope you get them all done, Hope you get time to play laterm gorgeous tree, have good day, sue,x

  7. ooooooooooooh such a busy day for you - i can't sew and i have to say i admire how much you do!!! xx

  8. Wow that is a pile of work to do there have fun hugs Pascale

  9. Morning Annie..xx I think it would take me all day to get just one item on your finished rail. Hats off again! Hope you get chance to have a little play later. The fabric looks gorgeous. :) & so does your tree. Hope you have a lovely day. Hugs, Gez.xx

  10. Your crab apple tree looks brilliant all I have on my apple tree is a few sticks with some flowers.

  11. Ooh busy busy busy. Can't wait to see the apple blossom pic :)
    Anne x

  12. I love the fact that you can sew, I wish I could LOL That tree is looking more beautiful, colours are divine aren't they? Have a great day hun x

  13. Oh Annie - you are such a worker...

    I'm surprised you're not further up the list you're usually one of the first...

    Anyway, can't wait to see that wonderful tree made into some dumfed creation... i KNOW it will be fab!

    Big big hugs to my special friend

    Paula x x x

  14. That is a funny looking clown! I guess he's there to give you some encouragement since you have a lot to do! Patsy from

  15. WOW you have been busy , lol , the pics are amazing , have a good week


  16. Hi Annie...I think I would lose the will to live doing that many trousers on the trot!!!! So well done as I expect they are done now!!!

    Awe so looking forward to the new picture and I LOVE that new bear XXX

  17. Hi busy lizzy!!
    Can't wait to see the picture when you've finished it & your crab apple tree is beautiful. I miss having a beautiful garden to look at. I'm surrounded by weeds mostly!!
    Helen x
    PS I have blog candy if you would like to have a go x

  18. OMGoodness....all of those trousers. Good luck with them Annie. I love the tree outside of your window... such a beautiful shade of pink. TFS. ~Glen~

    I'm surprised at the word verification I have to type in....'sodimpl'!! !ot what I would choose to use but it's the only way I can save my post.

  19. Oh gorgeous coloured fabrics Annie, I can't wait to see what you come up with. I don't envy you all those trousers though xx

  20. Hi Annie, don't think sewing 10 pairs of trousers would excite me much, but your other projects wow, think I would rush and end up sewing the legs together so I could crack on with my fun projects, Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  21. Sounds like you have been very busy! The Crab tree is beautiful. Hugs pamx

  22. blimey I have been moaning about having to do one bag, and you have done so much!

    I always smile when I get here, I love your dumfing pictures.

    Your tree is glorious, true inspiration.

  23. Your crab apple tree is gorgeous, I love gardening and nature. Your new artwork is fantastic too. Do feel a little sorry for you though altering all those trousers LOL. Tracy Evans x

  24. I always find it fascinating to hear what you've been stitching - it's all so varied - well maybe 10 pairs of trousers in a row wouldn't be "varied" but I guess you can space them out with other stuff.
    Looking forward to seeing the crab apple picture when it's done

  25. Don't you hate it when work gets int he way of fun? Your crab apple tree is so pretty - love the Spring time

  26. The crab apple tree is gorgeous - no wonder you make such stunning work!

  27. If I had to do those trousers the legs would be different lengths :(

    Hope you have time for a play!


  28. You really put me to shame - I can barely sew a button on and you do all these amazing alterations, and your gorgeous creations too! Love your little candy clown bear from your previous post - so cute!

    Nicki, xx

  29. What gorgeous vibrant colours your fabrics are, and the crab apple is a joy to behold. Lots of jars of jelly come the end of the summer ?

    Marilyn x

  30. How many pairs of trousers? Think you must have the whole of your little village there, lol! If that is the case, what are they wearing? Lots of very cold legs about, ha ha ha! Love your apple tree, the ones local to me are all blooming now, thanks for sharing, hugs Heidi xx

  31. Lots of trousers!
    Love the colours of the fabric.

  32. OMg you have been working hard . Glad to hear you still made time for a break with your friend :0)
    Kate x

  33. oh so many trousers...your treee looks gorgeous.

  34. Hi Wips! Curtain fairy here - get those trousers finished and floor vacced - I will be down to cut curtains and show and tell tomorrow!!!!

  35. Thats a lot of trousers, you're going to be a busy lady (or have been very busy as they were half done when you psoted this lol) :)

  36. Hi Annie - can't wait to see the what you come up with for the tree. thanks for the message at Paula's last night.

  37. Hi Annie, still busy I see - what a fab stitcher you are! Your crab tree look lovely - as you say inspiration all around. Have a great week, ikki x

  38. I totally get the inspiration you get from the apple tree, it's amazing!

  39. Crikey that is a lot of pairs of trousers!

    I hope you managed to find time to work on your crab apple tree project too, the tree is gorgeous :-)

  40. What a cute clown! I'm usually scared of clowns, but this one is actually loveable! Beautiful crab apple tree too, and I love the latest poppy picture.

  41. busy busy girl! Hope you can get those trousers done! I usually have a problem with them being too short, not too long lol. Thanks for sharing!

  42. Hope you found time for some fun yesterday

  43. Golly! You have been busy! Lovely tree, Spring is such a pretty season! xx

  44. Your crab apple tree creation sound fabulus look forward to seeing it ~ Mel

  45. now that's a lot of trousers!! Love the flowering crab apple tree!

  46. The title of your post should be WOY "WOW" Workspace!! Glad you were 1/2 way finished with the "repair" work so you could take a moment to photograph that beautiful tree for us to see *smiles*

  47. That's a lot of work, at least it would be for me!! Nice pictures:)

  48. Hello sweetie ... How busy are you??? I am sorry I am 24 hours late ... Mr Blogger could n't get his act together yesterday!!! That tree's blossom is lovely X

  49. Such a lovely photo of the crab apple tree! You have been buisy with the trousers, but I wonder though.. Did the customer wake up one morning three inces lower than the day before and realized that all the trousers had to be shortened? Sorry.. it's just my weird humour comming through. Probably my blood sugar is too high.

    Thanks for sharing the great photo and your workspace with us.

  50. I love any type of blossom but crab apple trees in particular! The blossom lasts longer too than the cherry trees. Lovely photo x

  51. Oh, you have been busy! I've been altering this week too! Have a good week. S x

  52. Oh you're a handy gal to know!! lol LOVE your dyed materials....and that poppy picture is stunning....LOVE the cherry blossom! bx

  53. In awe yet again Wipso! 10 pairs of trousers to shorten is my idea of a nightmare! Well done you!

  54. Gosh what a busy lady you are, it makes me tired just looking at all the work you get through, it all looks fantastic. xx

  55. You've been soooo busy. Bet that's a nice sense of achievement.

    Love the colours on your apple tree :o)

  56. Lucky you to have finished your work right away so you can play!

  57. Thanks for the great Post – very COOL!!!


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