Friday 14 May 2010

Crocheting for a change...

Suz over at has been blogging some African flowers that she is chocheting and, you know me, I love a challenge. They look so pretty on Suz's blog and it fascinated me how using different colours changed the effect you get.

I sat last night with a few balls of left over wool and made my first. I sent a pic of this one to Twiglet to see what she thought of it and her reply came back....Lovely. What are you gonna make with your hex?

Well of course there was only one answer to that.........

Make another one to go with it :-)

The hexagons are about 4" across when made in double knitting wool so would take a lot to make a blanket but Suz is right when she says you become hooked.

I'm really not sure what colours I like best but I'm certainly not short of spare balls of wool here so you may see more popping up in my blogs in the future. Now all I need is ideas as to what to do with them all....answers on a post card please :-)
If you fancy a go then Suz has put a link to where you can find the pattern on her blog so pop over and check out the fab ones she has made.


  1. That first one looks like the top of a chocolate cupcake but who could eat a 4" cupcake?!! Me!!!!!!
    and word verif....... hop i ate

  2. Make a nice throw that, crochet is so trendy at the moment i only wish I could remember how to do it!!

  3. My MiL knits squares from all her left overs. Every kerjillion squares or so, she stops and sews them together to make a blanket. Our near hospice has two of them; they sure do cheer up a bed!

  4. I've never tried crocheting - i'd be rubbish at it - but you are just so talented - you can turn your hand to anything - there's nothing you and your sis can't do...

    They'd made some lovely cushion covers by the looks of them - or some blankets for the dollies for P.

    Paula x x x

  5. yes please, I'll have a chocolate one!! Oh, I thought Twiglet was offering cupcakes round then?!

    They look so very different in the different colours its amazing! Im getting a headache trying to think how you can use them though!

    word verif: cards t so maybe I had better stick to cards?!

    Keryn xx

  6. Hi..looking great...are you addicted yet? hehe easy motif isn't it?
    Made another 5 motifs this morning for a couple of cushions to go with the bedroom rose quilt
    Cant stop lol
    Hugs x

  7. you could link them together and make a panel for a bag.

  8. That's a great idea Linby! They are lovely and great when you know your using old bit's & bobs.

    I saw some beautiful hearts today made your style (Like felt) and for three they were charging almost £4 my gosh but I was almost tempted I love the textures you create when yr dumphing ;0)

    I had a wee nosey down the post loving the teddy and baby blanket so talented, Thank you for stopping by my blog too lovely to see you.

    Love Dawn xx

  9. Great hexagons Annie. Goodness, I struggle doing them plain & unfortuately, they have still beaten me to date! I'm sure it's the pattern thats wrong! hehe...
    Must make a mental note to follow your link sometime...
    Wishing you a lovely fun day Monday for tomorrow. Hugs, Gez.xx

  10. Go on Annie...make 100 and turn them into a gorgeous blanket!!! These are a great way to use up odds & ends and the finished blanket always washes well. I haven't used hexagons but you can see my 'square' one in my last weeks WOYWW. Have fun! XXX


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