Friday 1 October 2021

This week's smiles .....week 441

 Here we are at another weekly catch up of the happy moments of the week.....and there's been many.

Business has been booming this week....I've made 8 Memory custions and I have more customers coming today....I love life when I'm busy.

I shared the photos of Amy's three with their new sewing machine on my Wednesday's post and... they have it at home I get regular updates on how much they are really loving using it and what they are making.  As you can see, Stephen is really thrilled with the sleeping bag he made for his special teddy.....and I'm thrilled to see them all working/playing together to use the machine.  Who knows maybe one of them will want to take my business over one day :-)

It's been a much colder/wetter week here this week but the garden just keeps on giving.  The pic top left is the view from my sewing room door....the fuscias have been huge this year and I'm making the best of them because I just know the blooms will drop once the frosty weather arrives.  Middle bottom is one of our crab apple trees....they don't have so many fruit on them this year but I just love thelovely red colours of Autumn.

That's all the photos I have to share this week but I'm sure you will have lots more to share with us so please link up below.


Annie x


  1. How lovely that the children have a sewing machine to play with. They are so teachable at that age. And from what you show us, they are very creative too. I’m sure they will have lots of fun with it.
    Your garden is looking very beautiful still. Lots of gorgeous flowers to keep up your spirits.
    We’re still on holiday, but going home today. I’m glad on this occasion as I have been all week without my phone. It won’t charge anymore and I need to have it repaired.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  2. I love your flowers they look lovely, really brighten things up. As I said before I love seeing the children with their sewing machine it just makes me sad that so many schools have forgotten the importance of practical subjects which has always been the part of school that many children relate too. Off to walk dogs now so back later. Hugs, Angela xXx

  3. look at those smart kids learning to use a sewing machine!

  4. It is great to see the children confidently using the sewing machine. I remember my mum had a treadle machine which was a bit difficult for me. If you peadalled it wrongly it went backwards and broke the needle. Mum said I could use it when I had learned how to at school. School said I could use theirs when I had practised at home! I never did master it properly but at my request, mum bought me an eectric Singer for my 21st. How great if one of the grand children really wanted to take over from you.
    The flowers are still lovely despite the rain. Let's hope the frost holds off for a few more weeks so you can still enjoy them.
    Kate x

  5. I look forward to seeing more great makes from the Quinns! xxxx


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