Friday 14 August 2020

This week's smiles...week 384

 It's been a week of hot weather and several thunderstorms here this week but we've still had plenty to smile about.

We joined Mark, Gina and Theo and Gina's Mum, Dad and Brother at Barmouth for the day on Sunday.  We enjoyed a socially distanced BBQ lunch cooked by Mark [and I took the salad, coleslaw and fresh fruit salad].  We then enjoyed a couple hours down on a quiet beach just over the road from their campsite.  It was a perfect day and I even went in the sea...something I haven't done for years.





The twins have been baking, climbing at a local climbing centre in Shrewsbury [ yes that is Lexi sat at the very top in the one pic] and enjoying crafty time painting their own peg people.

Amy's three have also been enjoying crafty time, painting bird houses and bug hotels plus of course in this heat they have been enjoying their pool....bliss.

I'm sure, like me, that you will all be pleased to hear Poppy has been back to the vets to check her leg and she is doing very well on it.  She will be up and walking on it very soon.

Finally I saw this on Facebook and thought I'd make you giggle.  In this heat this really is just how I've been feeling.  I'm really hoping it drops a little cooler so I can cope with working very soon.

I hope you're all managing to stay cool.  Please leave me a little comment before you link to your own smiles below.


Annie x


  1. A beautiful week spent with the family Annie. They’re such a happy bunch and it’s always nice to see them all.
    It’s cooling down now so hopefully you’ll be ok.
    Thanks for my birthday wishes Annie. It’s been lovely and continues today with another lunch out xxx

  2. What a lot of happy folk - so good that they have been busy even in the hot weather. A bit cooler today, thankfully. xx Jo

  3. today is the first time in i don't know how long I have felt cool - even got some trousers on! Glad you have all been enjoying some fun times.

  4. Hi Annie, I know I'm late again and no excuse really just got distracted after walking the dogs. It's really nice here today and so far we've not had any of the thunderstorms that many other people have had but that's Lincoln for you it seems to have a climate all of it's own. Few people know where we are so maybe the weather's the same. Pleased to see you've managed to meet up with some of the family. Loving the peg people. We have some friends that live close by and we've made them our only bubble so at least we can meet up with occasionally. Pleased Poppy is picking up though she doesn't look too happy but that's dogs for you! Loving the funny too. Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  5. So many happy faces doing adventurous things! That climbing place looks like a blast. Good for you to go swimming and enjoy the beach :) I do feel like that little bird in this heat ~ Enjoy your weekend

  6. I love that little cartoon. It is exactly how I feel too!
    I'm glad you had a nice family day at the camp site and beach. No photo of you in the sea then?!
    Mike has taken his boys to that climbing centre. It looks amazing. Children seem to have no fear do they? And the peg dolls are cute. There was a huge display of them in Oswestry once - I think it was doing a nationwide tour. I took all my little nursery children to see it, and then we made some when we got back.The little ones needed a lot of help but they knew what they wanted!
    Amy's three are always busy. I am glad their dog is on the mend.
    Take it easy until the weather cools down for you. Kate x

  7. I'm glad you have been able to enjoy some time at the beach with the family. And you went in the sea! Woohoo! Great!
    All your grandchildren have been enjoying themselves this week. I am impressed with the rock climbing. Scary! (But very good for their coordination and balance)
    Yes, I was pleased to learn that Poppy is doing OK. It must be difficult to prevent a dog from walking on that leg.
    I smiled at the owl that is trapped.
    Have a lovely weekend dear Annie,

  8. Lots of lovely family photos!!
    Loved the owl at the end!
    Sorry I am late getting around.
    Stay safe and keep well...
    Susan #13

  9. I'm afraid the tired bird is me now permanently! There are so many things I would like to be able to do, but can no longer do most of them! Mobility problems are the reason, and a wheelchair has not really opened up the world for me as much as I had hoped!

    Love your sense of humor. Keep us smiling!


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.