Friday 6 September 2024

This week's smiles....week 390

 Last week was soooooo busy here at Sewing by Annie's but, in contrast to that, I haven't had one customer this week so far.  If only I'd known I could have spaced my sewing out but I always like keep on top of it in case I get the same amount of customers each week.

I have used my time well and made myself a super fully lined denim bag.  It has a zipped pocket on the outside and another zipped one and two open pockets on the inside so was quite challenging to make....I didn't have a pattern :-)  I added a photo on my Wednesday post, below, if you'd like to see it.

On Sunday there was a Race for Life with 6000 motor bikes that raised lots of money for the local Air Ambulance.  We watched the race from a bridge over the A5....our son-in-law, Brent, took Sam on the back of his old Triumph Bonneville bike and I managed to snap a photo as they went below us...

Our new shed was erected on was supposed to be done last week but when it arrived they noticed they had made the two ends round the wrong way so they had to remake them for us.

It looks really fab and by hubby is now enjoying fitting it out with shelving to organise it's contents onto.

Just after the new shed was completed we had a visit from a huge heron on the roof of the house behind us....I think he was checking if the new shed would be a good place to build his nest :-)

Our Morning Glory has new blooms every day,,,,sometimes 2/3, sometimes 5/6.  It makes me smile each morning to see how many will open up.  They are such a lovely blue.

Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies....I hope you find something here to make you smile.  Please leave me a little message and, if you can, then link up to your own smiles below.

Annie x


  1. I have a very early hair appointment today, so I'll be back after I have my appointment to leave a proper comment. Have a super Friday, dear Annie.

  2. It must be nice to have a week with 'nothing' to do. I just looked at your denim bag on Wednesday's post, very nice.
    I like your new shed too. Very natural looking. Plus you have a very happy hubby.
    I bet Sam enjoyed his bike ride. 6000 Bikes must be a sight to behold! Graham and I have participated in charity bike rides and it has always been an amazing experience. (But we have never done Race For Life).
    The funnies really made me chuckle this morning, especially the dog funnies.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. The new shed is looking good. That will keep hubby occupied for a while.
    There aren't many flowers as blue as morning glory. You can see wherre its name comes from. In Thailand we ate the leaves!
    All those motorbikes. It must have been quite exciting to see them. Well done Bret (and Sam) for taking part.
    loved the funnies. Especially the first one which really made me chuckle. Kate x

  4. I'm rushed to today too so back later. Hugs Angela xXx

  5. Wish I could sew, really.
    Bad memories. My Brother took me to Nürburgring on his Ninja-bike (I was used to a Harley!)
    Promised not to go over 100 km/h and on the way back "forgot" I am holding on and went 220. On a public road. I closed my eyes and held on to his body....
    And then... BIG SISTER YELLS!
    We still live... Thank you for the memory- I added some pics for you...
    Great with the shed! And very good it was checked, too ;-)
    The flowers are wonderful!
    Thank you,the funnies made me laugh!
    Oh, the showers...
    Have a Friday fullof smiles!

  6. I'm back, I bet some of those motorcyclists were at Matlock Bath Bank Holiday Monday. I so love a good shed they are so useful. I suspect the Heron was most likely looking for the next garden pond where he could find his dinner. Your Morning glory looks lovely but we have a white one which grows all over the garden and I spend more time pulling it out unfortunately. The funnies are good this week too. Sending hugs Angela xXx

  7. What a great charity ride. Both Sam and your SIL look like they enjoyed it. That doesn't look like a "shed" to me. Sheds are not as pretty! Some of your funnies were hilarious. I loved the "potty training" one. Beautiful morning glories. Hope your weekend is going well.

  8. A week with no obligations is the best thing you can do for yourself! Aloha friend

  9. What an awesome spot - heron on the roof!! The new shed looks fab - I will expect a conducted tour next time I'm round. xx Jo


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