Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Hello all.  I was missing in action last week.  I had come back from a few days away on Tuesday but had no desk/contents to show you because it had been a weekend of making memories with our family....with no crafting being done.

This week I've been playing catch up with a long queue of's lovely to see how much I'm missed when I'm not here :-)  

I started off my week making this lovely bear from a much loved Grandma's favourite jumper and fleece's really cuddly and when my customer saw it she ordered another one....

...this one had the panels on the opposite sides and with a cream ribbon to be a little different.

My next job was to make 4 lovely bears with a Grandad's favourite clothes.....each one had to have a panel of two of the items of clothing and then to have other panels added to them from the bag full of clothes she brought and they all had to have different coloured ribbons.  

On top of all those bears I have also...
  • Shortened a pair of trousers for my hubby
  • Shortened 2 pair of jeans
  • Shortened 3 hems on a bridesmaid dress and took it up on the shoulders.
  • Replaced a concealed zip on a little dress and
  • Took another dress up un the straps.
I have a queue of jobs waiting to be done today...
  • I have to take a zip out of a double sleeping bag and sew part of it up at the bottom [I really do get asked to do all sorts of jobs]
  • I have 2 pair of trousers to shorten
  • I have to move a button on a pair of shorts and 
  • I have a pair of shorts to shorten
Plus I have another 3 memory bears coming at some point....not many dull moments for me is there?
I hope you're all enjoying the Olympics...I'm watching all I can when I get a spare minute....aren't they wonderful?
Annie x


  1. those memory bears are beautiful! glad you had some time away ( just caught up with your Friday smiles post which I seem to have missed last week) Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Busy, busy bee🐝🐝🐝 but pace yourself and enjoy the sunshine too. x x Jo 🌈

  3. The memory bears are fab as always but I really enjoy reading your to do/have done list of sewing jobs, as you say, you get all sorts! Bet you don’t miss those factory zips though!!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  4. Wow - busy as ever I see Annie. Love those memory bears. Hope the to-do list gets to-done quickly. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  5. You’ve had an extra busy week Annie. I love your memory bears, and I wish you lived closer - our local alteration shop is closing at the end of the month. 🥲🥲. Enjoy the rest of the Olympics.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 9 xx

  6. Sounds like a busy week and the teddies are lovely. We've got the Olympics on at the moment while we wait for Des's sister to arrive so trying to get round everyone as quick as I can. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

  7. I'm intrigued by the sleeping bag request! But now I'm thinking that you can alter anything so I wonder if you could manage to make an alteration for me please? It's my tummy, just needs a few inches taking out!! Sending everyone a peaceful week, Lisa-Jane #12

  8. I love your bears, they are all super colours this week! and after reading Lisa-Jane's me in too! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#14

  9. Busy as usual! Do you ever watch TV while sewing? Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  10. These bears are precious and beautiful too Have a great rest of the weekend Michelle#13

  11. Goodness me - how busy have you been? Love all bears!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #1


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