Friday 30 August 2024

This week's smiles....week 389

 Hello all.  You managed very well without me over the last couple of weeks.  I've tried to read your posts but did't manage to leave comments...sorry.

We had a wonderful week away in a lovely bungalow Norfolk [just rather too far to tow the caravan all that way].  The sun shone every day and if anything it was too hot.  We enjoyed exploring the area, had a trip on paddle boat on the Broads and enjoyed many walks with Milly.  We ate out every day, made easy because so many places over there are dog friendly and Milly enjoyed being fussed by everyone we met.  Here's a few photos...

We had Sam and Lexi for the day on Wednesday and they asked to do a bit of sewing.....did I need asking twice?

They set to and chose the fabric they wanted to make a little frog out of and pinned on their patterns.  They cut them out and followed instruction well, using three of my sewing machines to make their frogs....a really special time was had by all and they were so proud of themselves with their finished frogs.

They lead such busy lives now so it was so lovely to be able to have quality time with them both and make special memories.

Wednesday evening our son, Mark, messaged to see if we would like a visitor....and of course we said yes please.

It made us all giggle when he turned up wearing the exact same tshirt as his dad and when he put his glasses on to use his laptop I just had to take a photo :-)

Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies, and this week I seem to have found lots so hope you have a good giggle at some of these.
I hope you have all had a good week.  I am looking forward to visiting you all this week [and leaving comments!!].
Annie x


  1. A happy post, lovely pics and great funnies. Love the Hokey Cokey one. x x Jo 🌈

  2. Happy holidays!!! Yippeee and oh. Would I love to be able to sew.
    I have a Singer right here, but... let me retire and I´ll give it a better go! Lovely your Grandkids can and want to do this!
    What a FUN pic of your hubby and son - that made me smile big.
    The metal detector really made me laugh. See here, if you like.
    To aging ;-) And Smiles,have a great day!

  3. Sounds like you had a great holiday. I've never been to Norfolk. When I was young we always went to the UK on holiday but because we came from the Netherlands, we never went to Norfolk because it looks a lot like Holland.
    Oh those froglets are so cute! Great that they could come and spend a day with you. Once they go back to school you won't see them that often.
    That photo of father and son made me smile. They are so alike!
    And the funnies (You must have saved them up!) are great. I like the pensioners coming in illegally as we thought it rather unfair that pensioners abroad didn't get fuel allowance. Not everyone lives on the Costa del Sol. I could have done with some fuel money.
    I also liked the elderly cows. I was singing out loud! How true.
    Thanks for the smiles,

  4. Lovely photos of your holiday and how nice the weather was kind to you.
    Lovely that Lexi and Sam enjoy your interests too.
    The photo of your hubby and son together made me smile! So did many of your funnies. Now it is back to sorting and packing! Kate. x

  5. Hi Annie, got to be quick this morning as we're packing up to go home. We've been in Matlock for the week. Pleased you had a nice time away. Alfie and Daisy are in Kennels so they are on holiday too, they love it. They can bark and run around with other dogs all day, no one complains how dirty they get either. Loving the funnies. Have a great weekend, hugs Angela xXx

  6. Thanks for the cute frogs, for sharing your family with us, and for the laughs. Aloha!


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