Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Hello all.  Wednesday is the day we join in the fun of checking out all the creative desks of our friends around the world...and all are welcome to join in.  Just pop over to Sarah's blog at Sarah's Craft Shed to check out details and join in the fun.

I've had another busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  Sally from Harry Johnson's Trust called in on Saturday to collect all the things I'd made for their up and coming craft sales so my desks were emptied...and she really loved all the things I'd I have been working on making more in between my customer's sewing....I never like to sit idle.

I appliqued and machine embroidered covers for 10 shopping list sized books...I love the crazy frogs best.

I made 6 lengths of bunting...10 flags and approximately 2 metre length each.

I've made another school Memory Bear....I love purple and I think the lilac ribbon and buttons are lovely on this one.

I also learnt an important not drop your sharp pointy ended scissors off your work surface onto your toe!!!  It really hurt and bled lots.....I will be more careful in the future.

That's me for this week.  I hope you will leave me a little message so I know you've called by and I will pop over to yours as soon as I can.


Annie x


  1. oh,your poor toe! looks like you made loads for the charity, I am sure they will do really well. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Gorgeous makes. That bear is my favourite 😃

  3. ooh ouchie!! I remember I dropped my pokey tool once from a height and it stuck into the floor narrowly missing my foot! I was so grateful it missed me. Great makes but I have to agree I just love the crazy frog! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy#9

  4. You're always busy Lol! You really should wear shoes that cover you feet when working...sorry that's my old bossy teacher coming out again. I used to tell the pupils this as you never know what might happen when you're doing something practical, whether it's Textiles, Cooking or Wood and Metal but I daren't tell you some of the accidents that happened in some of those subjects! Have a good woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

  5. Ooo painful, I bet the air was blue when you did that. Toes and ears always bleed like crazy don’t they? Love your new makes for the HT trust, I’m sure they’ll fly out of the doors. I like the frogs too…ribbit….
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  6. Oh Annie, looks like you need steel capped work boots in future.
    Love all of the slip covers for the list type books. What a good idea to make the in the first place. The bunting is great and I am sure will be sold in a blink of an eye.
    Take care,
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  7. Ouch! Oh Annie I bet that really hurt right on the bone there. Did you say a bad word? I think I would have said very many, very loudly!! Those books are fabulous and I do love those crazy frogs too. I bet they'd sell well with matching tote bags! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11,

  8. That looks like it was painful, feet bleed a lot don't they. Your photo should be a warning but I know I'll continue to work bare foot in the summer as it's too hot in my loft room for slippers! The purple bear is beautiful - I do love that rich colour, and I love the shopping list note covers too - I bet they get snapped up.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #13

  9. OUCHY for your toe, hope it is better soon. Those book covers are super yes the frog is super so are the birds, maybe I just like lime green LOL. Super purple bear too. Hugs BJ#4

  10. First of all...OUCH! I hope your toe is better! Your book covers are lovely, I do like the frogs as well. And the purple bear is awesome too, purple being mine and Jasper's favourite colour! Have a wonderful week! Lindart #17

  11. Ouch Annie. Hope the toe is better soon. Quick comments on my phone before Awards Evening. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah

  12. Ouch, Annie! Hope your toe is recovering well now. I dropped a bookshelf on my left big toe months ago and it still isn't fully better. The older you get the longer it takes!!! The notebook covers are gorgeous. Like you, I love the crazy frogs. And the school bear is fabulous. One little girl is going to be very happy. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #15

  13. Oh Ouch! Poor toe! I can imagine how painful that must have been. Those frog covers are indeed cute. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  14. Your poor toe!
    I think I like the frogs best too. But lots of lovely makes!
    Happy WOYWW Susan #8.
    Just put the granddaughters on the train to go home and now away for the weekend to look after Ollie while his Mum and Dad go to a wedding. Fortunately the holiday cottage has internet,,,


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