Wednesday 15 May 2024



Happy 15th Anniversary to you all.  I made a box full of ATCs for the crop but thought Is should make this one special ATC to celebrate our 15 years together so this will be going to the one after my name on the list.  What special friendships we all have made thanks to Julia's wonderful idea all those years back....and I thank you with all my heart Julia for the effort you put in each and every week my friend.  I can't wait for the crop on Saturday.

I was poorly last week so wasn't up to joining in the Wednesday fun but am thankfully much better now and wouldn't miss this week of celebrations for the world.  I have had a busy week with sewing this week.....

  • I've shortened two long dresses
  • Shortened several pair of trousers/jeans
  • Shortened a dress etc etc

My desk today has all the things I've been getting ready for Saturday's crop....

I've filled two little fabric boxes with Celebrations ready for the raffle on Saturday....they are now wrapped in cellophane and tied with a ribbon :-)

I've made a badge to wear so everyone knows who I am....not that I think anyone will be in doubt :-)
Julia asked us to make/wear one and who would argue with the boss? :-)

I've hunted out some random patchwork that I am embroidering on to bring with me to do while I'm there ....I can't imagine I will get much done but I do like to look willing :-)
[too much talking, laughing, drinking coffee and eating cake] 

That just leaves me to say Happy 15th Anniversary to you all and I hope to see at least some of you in Stoke on Saturday.  Thanks for all the love, care and friendship over the years and here's to the next 15 :-) :-)
Annie x


  1. it's just as well you and Jo mentioned the badges, I had forgotten... will be a rush job tomorrow, thank goodness I have the day off before I travel to Stoke on Friday... see you then. Happy WOYWW Helen #6

  2. Lots of lovely craftiness there Annie. Looking forward to our trip. Happy 15th anniversary! x x Jo

  3. Your PIF ATC is awesome. I love the colors and the design. Your badge is SO you, too. I had also written something like "here's to the next 15," then read Julia's message and deleted it. I hope someone continues this friendship blog, even if it won't be the same without Julia. I hope you have a great time at the crop. I will be there in spirit. Happy WOYWW 780 from # 1.

  4. Breaking with long-standing tradition to comment even on Google-sign in blogs :D just for the anniversary!
    LOL! I was considering bring one of my kawandi pieces to work on as I don't want to drag all the stuff needed to art journal or gel print so we may be stitching buddies. It'll be either that or socks on needles. See you there...
    Happy 15th Anniversary WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  5. Hi Annie,
    Yes I’m coming to the crop! I’ll save an ATC for you. Love all the gorgeous fabrics on your post today and I’m glad you’re feeling better. Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday
    Take care and happy WOYWW anniversary
    Lynnecrafts 14 xx

  6. Just been saying to your sister how I love seeing the two of you.
    The special ATC looks rather lovely, lucky recipient.
    I have one of those little fabric boxes that Jo P once made me and I bring it out every Christmas. So cute.
    Love the badge, that is so bright and cheerful, just perfect for the wearer.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  7. Happy 15th on the 15th. So wish I could be there at the crop!
    As usual you have been very busy!
    Susan #4

  8. How funky is that patchwork?! I shall look forward to seeing it finished. Great ATCs - I wish I was able to make things for the swap and also to get to the crop but I'll be there in spirit! I hope you all have fun and maybe even get a little crafting done too ;-) Happy anniversary, Lisa-Jane #18

  9. happy 15th! you sewers always inspire me to spend more time with the needle! Sending an ATC for you via Twiglet- and look forward to swapping. Love seeing all the badges! Robyn 3

  10. Absolutely Beautiful makes! and I love your badge! Happy 15th WOYWW Anniversary - Michelle #21

  11. Hi Annie, you made me smile about all the talking and eating cake for sure. However, I will try and think of something to take with me, just been a bit distracted and not got my head round it yet. Pleased you're better as I am so looking forward to seeing you again. We're driving over there on Saturday so don't worry if we're a bit late, just depends on the traffic. Happy woyww 15th Anniversary with hugs Angela x17x

  12. Love your badge and your celebration boxes. I am so sad I can’t be there. Happy 15th anniversary. Angela #19

  13. Really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday Annie. Hope all goes as well as it can tomorrow. Hugs. Stay safe and happy 15th anniversary WOYWW. Sarah #9

  14. Love your fabric boxes and the super vibrant patchwork. Shame I can't travel to the crop would have been nice to meet everyone before WOYWW folds. Hugs BJ#11

  15. oh crumbs, I forgot about the badge!! A belated Happy Anniversary to you Annie, it's been loony toons here as well! See you Saturday!! Cindyxx #20


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