Friday 31 May 2024

This week's......week 376

 It's been a busy week for me with lots of sewing here at Sewing by Annie's. 

 I have.....

  • Shortened 4 bridesmaid's dresses and altered 3 of them
  • Shortened 2 prom dresses and have another coming for her fitting this morning.
  • Replaced the elastic in the waistband of a pretty dress
  • Have also had lots of other customers needing fittings.
I love busy keeps me smiling.  It's been half term holidays for the schools so we haven't had the boys this week for a fun day but they did send us this gorgeous photo....

They are on holiday down in North Devon and it sounds like they are having a wonderful time.

Tuesday evening we went to watch Sam in The Little Mermaid on the main stage at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury.  He was miked up and had lots of lines to say plus had to sing too.  It was a brilliant show and its so lovely to see his confidence grow....proud Nanny moments.

Here's the latest collage of our garden flowers this week....there is always something to make us smile out there.

I've only found a couple of funnies this week so hope they make you smile too.

We are off on a well earned adventure later today so it may depend on the internet where we are as to whether I can leave comments this week but I will do my best.

Annie x


  1. Love the photo of the boys - who doesn't love a sand boat! Well done to Sam too.. Enjoy your break. x x

  2. Looks like another busy week. No wonder you're proud they are gorgeous children and growing so fast. Loving the funnies and yes they made me smile. Thanks for your kind words too. Sending hugs Angela xXx

  3. Cute boys and oh, your garden....
    Enjoy your adventure!

  4. Devon is such a lovely area for family holidays. Well done to Sam. he reminds me so much of my son and grandson who had the same mop of curls at that age.
    The flowers are lovely. I would happily sit in your garden and just look at them all.
    Have a good week. You like to be busy but don't work too hard. Kate x

  5. yippish! Your grands are so talented... wonder will they be famous actors and dancers one day...

  6. Pure delight visiting here today. Thank you so much. Aloha

  7. I just realized I hadn't commented. (I thought I did).
    Your garden is gorgeous. Such lovely flowers.
    And your grandchildren are so talented. You must be so proud. Who do they get it from?


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.