Wednesday 20 March 2024


 Hello all.  I hope you've all had a good week and have enjoyed at least some creative time.  I have a couple of things I can share with you and a sewing room full of gorgeous outfits requiring my attention.

I had a busy time making little Easter cards this week..they are to put Easter money in for our Grandchildren...they have too much chocolate :-)

I have had a busy week shortening a beautiful wedding dress and a few pair of trousers/jeans and in between jobs I have cut out more little frogs to make up for the H J Trust.

My room is now filled with 7 dance outfits for Lexi to wear for her dance competitions at the weekend....I will be steaming all these for her today.

Finally I would like a little help to identify this pretty plant that the twins bought me for Mother's Day....I love it but dont know what it is.

Can anyone help?

If you leave me a little comment so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you have been busy with this week.


Annie x


  1. the Easter cards are gorgeous! Happy steaming with the outfits for Lexi.... can't help with the plant although it looks familiar and I should know what it is... Happy WOYWW Helen '#1

  2. Lovely plant and lovely outfits for Lexi. Gosh, I cannot come to terms with how big she is now. How big any of them are - time goes by too quickly.
    The Easter cards will go down a treat love the bunny faces, mukch better than chocolate.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  3. Oh Annie the Easter bunnies are gorgeous. Looks like you've had plenty to do too. No idea what the plant is but it looks nice. Hope you have a good day what ever you're up to. Happy woyww, Angela x5x

  4. Good to see you so busy - those easter cards are great!! Can't help with the flower, I think I should know but won't come to me. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  5. Love the cards and yes, chocolate is overrated *GRIN* I think your grandchildren will love a little money in such a great card! I'm not much of a botanist, I recognize 'easy ones' but have no idea what this is, it IS gorgeous though! Enjoy! Happy woyww, hug from Holland. Marit #11

  6. Is it a pelargonium? I do know the name but . . . it escapes me at the moment . . . lol
    Great design for your cards . . .. they will be loved
    Have a good week
    Christine #13

  7. Such a fun post, love your little bunny cards and all the other photos are so beautiful You keep busy ! I google your flower.....what flower is purple with a geranium like leaf It is a geranium not often seen but love it Enjoy a great week

  8. Your cards are darling! I had better get a move on with mine!
    Happy Wednesday Hugs,
    Kim #18

  9. Love your Easter cards.looks like you are as busy as ever! I think (having googled) your plant is a primula , variety Touch Me.
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #8

  10. Mmm I thought it was a primula didn't I? Love the bunnies. They will be fun cards . Well done Lexi. That will be done competition. 😀

  11. You have been very busy! The dance outfits are lovely, and your cards are bright and cheery. I am sure your Grandkids will appreciate the currency.

    I don't know the flower's name, but they are lovely!

    Have a fabulous week!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #22

  12. Think your plant may be a pelargonium so may be able to go into the garden. We both have the lurgy with the cough being the worst part of the virus. Catriona

  13. Lovely cards and outfits for Lexi. Sorry, not sure about the plant. I think there’s an app (paid but you can have a free trial) that identifies plants?
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15 xx

  14. Your bunny cards are adorable, that's quite a few grandchildren! I'm still a grandma in waiting and won't hold my breath as only son doesn't have a girlfriend! Loving the dance outfits, what sort of dance competitions? I do Ballroom and Latin now myself, love to dance. The plant leaves look like Geranium but that's just a guess, it's jolly pretty. Hugs BJ#9


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