Friday 9 February 2024

This week's smiles....week 361

 Here we are at another catch up with the smiles from the last week.....I've had to look a little harder this week but here you go...

On Sunday morning we went for a walk at Attingham Park to see the snowdrops....arent they gorgeous?

We had a visit from this gorgeous white dove this week....and that always makes me smile.

Here's the funnies I've found this week....I hope something makes you smile....even if you're a child at heart, like me and have a chuckle at the carrot I found this week. :-) :-)
Annie x


  1. The only time I've seen a smowdrop was in pictures. They are beautiful. That dove is gorgeous. Something else I've only seem in photos.

    LOVED the carrot!! I also laughed at the pizza. Have a super Friday and a great weeknd, dear Annie. I'm headed to bed.

  2. Hi Annie, sometimes weeks are like this which can be good when it's quiet. Loving the funnies, some people do have a great sense of humour and certainly understand dogs. Have a happy weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  3. Lovely, lovely snowdrops. They look so delicate but are strong enough to wothstand all sorts of adverse weather. And they are the first flowers each year so always a welcome sight.
    It is nice to be able to watch the bird table from in the house. Sadly I cannot have a feeded in my garden. With all my cats it wouldn't be fair.
    The funies made me smile. Especially the 'paw in your bowl' one.
    Have a lovely weekend. Kate x

  4. Looks like you and I both had to look a bit harder for smiles this week. But there is always a silver lining.
    I loved your snowdrops. We don't have them here of course but I remember them from when I lived in the UK. Beautiful.
    The funnies are very giggle-worthy. I hadn't seen these and they made me smile, so you've achieved your aim.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  5. OMG I opened a bell pepper this week and found, ahem, what looked like a male appendage plus two round balls connected to it. Now your carrot!
    snowdrops are showing up in blogs all around. We have snow today but then we normally have snow through May in Colorado. LeeAnna


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