Friday 15 December 2023

This week's smiles....week 333

 Here we are at another catch up of the smiles of the last week as we head towards Christmas.  Wednesday evening we went to watch Theo in his Christmas was wonderful. It was year 1 and 2 so lots of little ones giving their all. ....lots of smiles but no photos.

They went on a Christmas train ride at the weekend and I really love these photos they sent us.

We had Louie on Wednesday for a fun day then yesterday we had both boys....they do love each other and it's so lovely to watch....even if by the end of the day they were both very tired [and so were we :-) ]

Of course it wouldn't be a Friday without a few funnies....I hope you find something here to make you smile and will leave me a little comment before sharing your smiles by linking up at the bottom.
Annie x


  1. Lovely pics of your gorgeous boys. Happy days. Loved the funnies. Had to have a closer look at the nose hare.🤣🤣

  2. lovely pictures of you little lads. Christmas is such an exciting time for them. Plenty to smile at in your funnies. Kate x

  3. Hi Annie, not surprised you were so tired after having the boys bet that's a full on day for you all. The funnies are good. I've seen the dog one before but it still makes me smile. The one about the electricity made me smile as we were watching something on TV about the mistakes the Victorians made over their dealings with other countries but people seem to have forgotten that if it wasn't for them we would still be peeing in a potty and pouring it through the window and that's just for starters Lol! Have a great weekend, hugs Angela xXx

  4. Lovely photos and it’s great that the boys get on so well together. Catriona

  5. Thank you for the smiles, such happy pics! Have a christmassy, wonderful, funny Friday!

  6. rings on the box... how funny!


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