Friday 30 December 2022

This week's smiles.....week 493

 It's not been a week where finding smiles has been easy for me sadly.  Both of us have been feeling pretty poorly right over the Festive week.  These winter bugs seem to be taking some shaking off and we have a long way to go yet....still feeling weak, shaky and running temperatures with tiresome coughs that keep us awake a lot in the night.....I'm sure it will go but when???

Enough about the doom and gloom of the week....I'm here to find some smiles and this one has really made me smile...

Louie is not quite crawling yet but as you can see he is a happy boy when he's stood up by the settee.....he seems to change every time we see him and is such a smiley boy.

Gina updated their Christmas collage to include the latest photo.....Theo looks so grown up now don't you think?

The only other thing I have to share is a lot of Christmas funnies so, before it's too late to share them I have collaged them all here together for you.
I hope you can find something here to make you smile. 
Here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year and hopefully we can  all have a healthy one.
Thanks to you all for joining in each week and for helping me to raise a few smiles.
Annie x


  1. So very sorry to read you are both ill. I sincerely hope you are better soon. It would be nice to ring in 2023 in good health.

    Both Theo and Louie look old beyond their years/months. They are both very mature for their ages.

    I hope you feel better soon and have a festive New Year, dear Annie.

  2. I do hope that bug goes soon - it's been a nasty one. The photo of L. Is wonderful. He looks so grown up! X x x Jo

  3. I’m sorry to hear you still/again have a bug. It may not be Covid but it’s stil nasty. I hope you can shake it off soon.
    Those grandchildren are growing up so fast! Lovely photos.
    And lots of Santa funnies to make me giggle.
    Wishing you and yours a very happy new year in health and happiness,
    Keep smiling,

  4. Hi Annie, sorry you've not been feeling so good. We've avoided the worst of the bugs so far but it's not to say we will before the year's out. The funnies have brightened my day for a while so thanks for that. I'll be back later to check on everyone else but off to walk Daisy now. Sending hugs and wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Hugs, Angela xXx

  5. So sorry to hear you are still unwell. I do hope you can shake it off soon.
    Louie is certainly growing up fast. I love the collage of photos.
    You found some good Christmas funnies to end our year with a smile. I hope 2023 sees you in better health. Kate x

  6. Oh, yes, third week with that nasty bug here...
    But your Louie sure brings smiles.

    Language, LOL!

  7. Sorry you are still under the weather and fingers crossed you will soon be well again. Lovely photos!


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