Friday 18 February 2022

This week's smiles...week 460

 Hello all.  It's been one of those weeks hence why I didn'y manage to post on Wednesday but thankfully we have plenty to smile

Monday teatime Gina messaged us to say she was getting regular tightenings [at 31 weeks!].  Mark was working away so we popped over to help.  When we got there [20 mins from us] sure enough, she was getting tightenings every 4-5 mins [the midwife in me kicked in] and they were pretty uncomfortable so Gina rang the hospital and was advised to go in to be assessed.  I went with her although she has to go in to the assessment unit alone and Grandad stayed to look after Theo.  I waited for her in the waiting room for over 5 hours while they checked what was going on....the wait was so long because all the Drs were in emergencies and they couldn't decide whether to keep her in or not.  Eventually one of the senior midwives assessed Gina and decided she had a wee infection [that was what was causing the tightenings they felt] and with a prescription for antibiotics they sent her home at 12.30.....still having tightenings!  They said she was to go back in if things got any worse as the infection could put her into prem labour.

As Mark was working in Leicester he decided he should drive home but of course wouldnt get home til gone 3am so I stayed the night in the spare room, just in case.  I think none of us got much sleep Monday night and as Theo is up bright and early each morning we didn't get a lie in either.  Mark stayed home all day Tuesday but as things seemed to be settling down with Gina he travelled back to Leicester as soon as we arrived at teatime on Tuesday and I had another night on the spare bed on nursing duty....but was woken by Theo at 6am tapping on my door asking if he could come in to snuggle up with me and do Wordle heart sang [even if it was 6 am].

Mark was able to finish the job he was working on and came home about 10.30 on Tuesday night so I managed a night in my own bed and thankfully, as long as she rests lying down the tightenings seem to have eased for now although it's left her feeling pretty would be really good if the baby can stay where he is for another 4 weeks or more so we are keeping everything crossed.

I am really counting my blessings that we are both well and able to help our family when needed.

This notice on the side of my bottle of orange juice made me must have known!

It always makes me smile that when I have other priorities my customers don't make demands on me and as I have had none this week I have been busy with the baby quilt I'm making....I decided that maybe I wouldn't have all the time I had planned to get it made if he was going to put in an appearance early.

Milly wen't for a much needed hair cut yesterday....she looks like a different dog now.  I love it when we can see all her stripes.

As you can see, she was very happy snuggling up under her blanket after her trim...I guess she was enjoying the extra warmth.  She will need her wooly jumper on for a few days when out walking I'm sure.

That's all from me folks.  I hope you all have plenty to smile about and will link up below.


Annie x


  1. Glad all seems to be ok with Gina for now... good job you were on hand. take care and have a good (safe in the storm ) weekend xx

  2. That was a bit scarey for you all, but I am glad Gina is settling down now. Hopefully baby will realise he is better off where he is for now.
    I smiled at the orange juice label. My orange juice comes from oranges straight off the tree, so hopefully its vitamin C is there. I only have it as a treat on Sundays because it is high in sugar.
    Milly looks cute. My dogs are still moulting their winter coats so we don't have them trimmed just yet.
    I hope this week is more restful, and goes smoothly for you. Kate xx

  3. Hi Annie, I'm back. Hope baby realises he's better where he is for the time being giving you time to get on with the quilt. Milly looks tidy but she is definitely going to notice the loss of her jacket for a while. I know what our two are like when they've been trimmed, it comes as quite a shock I think. We had loads of rain last night so first job now is to lower the pond water then I might get back in the cabin again, even with the wind it's so peaceful in there. Stay safe and have a lovely weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  4. I hope things are still ok with Gina now. It's good you are a midwife and live close enough to immediately come to help. After all that is why you moved there.
    I worked in the labour ward as a nurse for 15 years (in Italy), then I decided to become a midwife. I met Graham when I finished the course. I moved to England and never practiced really. I went to work at the hospice then.
    Milly looks very smart with her new haircut.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  5. Let's hope things calm down a bit for you. It's been a hectic week. xx Jo

  6. I love it when I can see Milo's eyes again after a trim! Millie is so pretty!

  7. I'm glad all is ok for everyone, an unsettling week, let's hope the baby stays put for a bit longer.
    Hugs LLJ xx

  8. Hi Annie, that must have quite a scare for you all. So glad it's all turned out well and the antibiotics are doing the trick. Theo is a treasure helping you with Wordle at 6 in the morning. Wish Silver could be so kind, she's an early riser too. Millie looks fabulous with her new hairdo. I'm pleased you've had time to work on the quilt. I haven't been in my craftroom in a week, except to do some ironing. Maybe next week I'll have time for a smile or two. Love to you both. Hugs, Ellie xx

  9. I was offline since midday yesterday due to an area wide outage at AT&T. Now I'm trying to catch up. Just dropped by to say hi and hope all is well with Gina. Not sure what tightenings are, but I am guessing it's what we call labor pains.


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