Friday 4 February 2022

This week's smiles....week 458

 Hello all.  It's been a busy week here at Sewing by Annie's and I've had lots to smile about.  I hope you've had a good week and have lots to share with us by linking up at the bottom of the page.

I've been snapping pics around the garden and there's certainly lots more signs of Spring shooting up and that always makes me smile.  The tulips are shooting up all over the garden, the snowdrops are now showing their faces and there are several Primroses now in bloom.

The only other things I have to share with you today are these funnies I found on Facebook.

I hope something there makes you smile....they did me.

Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and if you can then link to your own smiles below.


Annie x


  1. Oh how beautiful. My tulips have not made an appearance yet. The primrose is lovely. Such an encouragement: spring is coming.
    The funnies had me chuckling. Very good.
    I’m sorry in haven’t been able to find any in time, but things have been hectic.
    Have a great weekend,

  2. Lovely signs of Spring. Those funnies are brilliant - been doing a bit of the magic myself!! xx Jo

  3. Your garden is doing so well Annie. Your tulips are in a hurry this year, but I do love to see the little snowdrops and primroses. They remind me of country walks with my big sister when we were still allowed to pick bunches of primroses to give to our mums on Mothering Sunday.
    I have seen the 'magic' meme a few times and it always makes me smile. It is a good thing I didn't live in those days, I could have been burnt at the stake for withcraft! Kate x

  4. Hi Annie, lovely to see all your signs of Spring. I fear I've lost my snowdrops because I've seen nothing of them yet but I can see shoots of bluebells, tulips and daffs pushing up - something to look forward to. Your funnies did make me laugh, especially the one about knitting! I think you are right about the cheese and onion pie - there's a lot of onions in it. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to you both. Ellie xx

  5. Hi Annie, sorry I'm let writing this. We walked the dogs then I did some work need in the pond, forgot what time it was in the cabin (that was supposed to take two minutes!) and before you know it the day is half over though I do have some nice finished Resin pieces. So here I am. Loving your garden pics and the funnies too....we always need a smile. Take care and have a lovely weekend. hugs, Angela xXx

  6. those funnies are really funny. I'm laughing still, thank s for that!!


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