Wednesday 24 November 2021


 Welcome to the mad's been crazily busy here over the last week but I managed to get on top of it all thankfully.  The 49 zips are now replaced in all those trousers....and there's another 36 coming when they collect these ones :-)

The very delayed parcel that arrived last Tuesday night contained a fluffly dressing gown which I hade these 4 gorgeous Memory bears from and I'm pleased to say that they have now arrived safely via a courier with their new owner [I wasn't going to risk the postal service with them!!]

The customer I made the 5 memory bears you saw last week loved them so much she wanted another one making....I do love it when this happens.

Over the week I tried my new sewing machine out and found it wouldn't do any of the jobs I needed it for so yesterday we returned it back to the dealer, tried out and tested another machine while we were there and bought a better one to meet my needs.  It meant paying a bit more for it but they offered us a good deal so it was too good to miss.

In my spare time [lol lol lol]  I have also finished the 3 batches of Christmas cards I had been making....just another 20 to go now with the next design.

I struggle to write my Christmas cards by hand because of my arthritis so I add inserts but I do love to make them all....these are all appliqued, machine embroidered and embellished then the toppers are machined onto the cards.

So folks that's all from me for today.  I did call round on all I could last week but was unable to leave comments on some from my phone so sorry for that.
Annie x


  1. You've had another busy week! I am pleased you were able to swap your new machine for a model that will be good for you! I love those latest memory bears, and thank goodness the parcel arrived in the end!! Have a very happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. I love the cards Annie - wonder woman again! xx Jo

  3. SUch beautiful bears and cards Annie. Glad you got the machine sorted. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17.

  4. Well done for managing all that work. The bears are super.
    Your photo of hubby made me smile, PJ always used to join in with stuff I did.... Like you say perfect team. Give him a hug from me.
    Have a good week
    Christine #04

  5. I fancy a machine so I can do machine embroidery. I was wondering if I could get a small one, but I haven’t started looking yet. My you are such a busy person and you have a wonderful husband helping you. Y9ur Christmas cards are lovely. Happy WOYWW Angela #11

  6. Hope all those factory trousers mean you have got the contract- that's almost 100 pairs in total.
    Well done on the Christmas cards, you are on a roll with those - sorry about the hand/arthritis, got it in my right thumb and its a B!
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  7. Gosh, Annie, you have been busy. Replacing zips is my least favourite job. So much so, I will do almost anything to avoid it so you can just imagine how much I admire you both for removing/replacing so many. The teddies are beautiful, as usual. The fluffy blue ones look extra soft and cuddlesome. Hope you enjoy using your new machine. Janine seems to be the preferred make here in Ayrshire. In the quilt classes I attended before the pandemic put an end to them, my Brother was the odd one out. And that suggests it's a reliable make. That's an impressive number of cards you've made and I think you've found the best way of coping with your arthritis. I can write for so long until writer's cramp stops me. You've got me thinking I should copy your idea. Have a great week and happy WOYWW. Hugs to you both. Ellie x #6

  8. Wow, Annie, you’ve been swamped. Amazing that the machine wasn’t up to it, you need one that runs in hyper industrious mode!! I don’t stitch on card but imagine there’s a setting to be observed or the front would just fall out of the card what with all the perforations? That’s make you say a rude word!!!🤣🤣

  9. Gorgeous bears Annie and loving the Christmas cards too. Pleased you got the machine sorted too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

  10. You have been so busy! Love the fluffy bears and your cards are gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  11. Well thank goodness you could swap the machine, phew! It’ll soon be beavering away…I really have to get mine serviced, it’s done sooooo much sewing in the past 18 months! The bears are fab, I’m so glad that parcel turned up eventually. The cards are looking great too 😍
    Hugs LLJ 12 xx

  12. Oh my gosh but you have been busy! Glad you could upgrade your machine!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #21

  13. All stitched!? Your cards are amazing! And...believe it or not, that little voice in my head said of last weeks Machine, 'is that going to be good enough?' and I know nothing about sewing machines! Teddys are fabulous as always! Take care,Stay Safe! Keep on Crafting. Happy late WOYWW!?((Lyn))#16


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