Wednesday 26 August 2020


 I'm slowly but surely getting back to 'the new normal'. I'm doing a few fittings wearing my face shield and it seems to be working well.  I've sold all my adult face masks in grab bags and now only have a couple of bags of children's masks's been like a cleansing and the chaos in my sewing room has lessoned considerably.

Since the weekend I've been seeing spots....two dresses to alter.  One cream with black spots and the other black with white spots :-)

I've made another Memory bear for yet another different school bringing my number of schools up to 29 now.



I've been restocking....

  • New sewing machine needles...because a girls can't do her job without them.  You should need to replace the needle after 8 hours sewing and trust me when I say I go through a fair few.
  • New cards to get my customer cards up to date...I keep the details of what each customer has done for easy reference.



The other thing I've been doing, and this is really just for fun, is to locate on the map where my Memory bears have gone to live.

I would really love it, if you have ordered bears from me, if you could let me know the first two letters of the post code where they are living so I can colour in where in the UK they are if I haven't already coloured it in.

I know I have bears in America and Australia too but I'm only locating the UK ones for now.


The last thing I'm sharing with you today is our new family member...Maisie.  Come on all together "awwwwwww".  This is Theo's new little puppy.  She's a Cockerpoo and is just gorgeous....I'm sure you will be seeing more of her.

Thanks for calling by.  I will do my best to pay you a return visit if you leave me a little message so I know you've called in.


Annie x


  1. It is lovely getting to know your little work habits!! Let's hope mask-making season is well and truly finished for you - it may take somewhat longer here in Aus, but I think I have made enough for us...
    Love the may showing your memory bear habitats too and of course how sweet in Maisie?
    Happy WOYWW! Stay safe and keep well. Susan #9

  2. Gorgeous puppy. G thought I said M had a new cockatoo!!! Think the hearing aid batteries need changing! xx Jo

  3. Welcome woofs to Maisie, she is a cutie! School's back next week so we will get a sense of the new normal. Glad to hear that things are settling down for you too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW Sarah #4

  4. Dawwww, Maisie is gorgeous - I bet she's a pickle! I'm glad that some order has returned to your sewing room (I would say back to normal but that'll never happen with you, lol!!!) Good idea to keep a record of what you've done for your customers and I love the map colouring, the bears are spreading far and wide.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  5. Well, Hello to Maisie. Was the name chosen to go with Millie?
    Love the idea of the map, looks good and will be even better when you get more postcodes sent in. Do you remember Flat Susan? Jo bought me a small sponge globe and we stuck pins in for the various places she went to - it was countries of course because it was too small to do postcodes. Similar idea though.
    Glad you feel kore normal now the masks are out of the way,
    Hugs Neet 7 xx

  6. Well done on getting rid of the masks.. . Maisie is cute . Helen #1

  7. Oh my goodness ~ Maisie is beautiful! ~ Your map of where all your handmade bears live now is great, I can tell you put a lot of love and care into each creation. Enjoy your week!

  8. Hi Annie, you must have been getting sick of the sight of masks! What a fab idea to 'track' your bears journeys to their new homes. Maisie looks so sweet, she's got that melt your heart face!Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #3 X.

  9. Awwwwwwww.... the new puppy does look sweet indeed! And wowzah, you are very organized! Colouring a map to see where the bears live is something I would do too, lovely! I hope you have a lovey week, enjoy MAisie and everything good that comes your way. Big hug from Holland, Marit #18

  10. I am loving the memory bear map that's a great idea and the spotty dress's too, I just love spots but can't say why. My Maisie is sending hugs to her name sake, puppy love! Have a great week and a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

  11. I went "awwwww" even before seeing your cue! How adorable! Make sure you post photos of Maisie regularly, please! Good to know that I'm supposed to replace the needle in the sewing machine after every 8 hours of usage. According to my quick calculations, I will reach that point in about 20 years from now LOL! Though I expect they wear out faster sewing paper! Don't go dotty looking at those dots too long! Happy Wednesday! xx zsuzsa #20

  12. Awww, lovely Maisie, all tiny and in the corner of a not very big bed! Bet Theo is thrilled skinny! How lovely, I imagine boy and dog will be very firm together! I knew needle replacement was frequent, but eight hours isn’t much is it, in your line of work, I expect thats every couple of days when you’re busy! Like the idea of the memory bear map, its a fascinating thing.

  13. Maisie is gorgeous! So cute. I like the idea of a map of where your bears have gone - I can see that you have us already coloured in. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love and God Bless, Caro xx (#11)

  14. Happy WOYWW. All of my sewing friends have been busy (and continue to be so). There is still a lot of demand for masks, especially as the kids go back to school. I look forward to seeing your Memory Bear map when you have finished it. Ali x. #30

  15. Happy WOYWW of yesterday. The first thing I need to do is join with you aaah! Puppies just make me smile and say aah! My chihuahua puppy is a year old now, still a puppy though. She is in season so she is wearing bitch pants. The masks arrived safely thank you, have you decided not to make any more? It must get a bit tedious making them. My sewing machine was going in for an overhaul this week, the cost is £65 and I was wondering whether to go for a new one. The tension won’t come right and if they need parts to fix it goodness knows how much it will be. I wish I had kept my hand Singer! Until next time take care x Angela #29

  16. Hi Annie, first, I have to say I love your heading photo of the sweet peas - gorgeous. I can smell them from here! glad to see your getting into the 'new normal' ... I'll let you know when I can say I'm into it. Truth is, I'm still finding it really a strange way of living but never let it be said that this old dog can't learn new tricks. I'm so impressed with your fabulous map - it's a perfect way of tracking your memory bears. And, as for Maisie, she's simply adorable. I could easily give her a home here. Have a fabulous week. Hugs, Ellie x #21

  17. Awwwww cuteness overload.... loved the Theo pickies with him too.
    Lovely desky share sorry Annie I’m late... again... 😁 well done on all those bears shared and getting back to work, my sweet peas are just starting to flower I noticed yours at the top. I do love them, but I pick all of mine, took bunch to hospital yesterday fir a friend.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  18. Like Elizabeth, I love your heading photo of the beautiful sweet peas! They are one of my favourite flowers with their pastel shades and delicate scent. I love the idea of doing the map showing where all the memory bears have gone! That's great - you have made so many, and they must have brought a lot of joy and comfort to so many people.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #8


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