Friday 20 March 2020

This week's smiles....week 363

This week, more than ever, I feel we need to focus our minds on the happy things around us and look for something to make us smile.....and it would be really lovely for as many as can could join in the fun by linking up below.

I have decided that nature knows best at the mo.....our garden is shooting up and blooming in every corner now and doing it's best to make us smile.  I just felt the need to share it with you all....

We have even seen butterflies and a big bumble bee this week and that always makes me smile.

This Coronavirus will be causing concern to many but as long as you are sensible we should hopefully all come out the other side safe and well and I have to be honest in that there have been so many funnies on Facebook about it that it has caused many giggles.  Here is one example for you....

That's all from me for this week so I will just say....Keep smiling and carrying on folks.
Annie x


  1. LOVED your garden. I have green leaves and shoots in mine, but no flowers. Your tulip and daffodils are beautiful. Nature truly has a way of calming us.

    I thought the funny was cute. I think we should all try to relax a bit, but be especially careful and practice social distancing and good hand washing.

    Have a great Friday and super weekend, too.

  2. Hi Annie, your garden is bounding into life, how pretty it is looking. Great funny. have a good week stay safe.

  3. The sun is shining here today and the children are in the playground of the school opposite. They will finish today for an indefinite period which will bring stress and hardship to many. We are now about to be confined to our property with no chance of taking out the moho but at the moment we are fine, the sun is shining, we have sufficient for our needs and I am truly grateful. Your pictures gave me my first smile of the day and your funny gave me the second smile. Love to you both.

  4. Your post is one big smile! The flowers are beautiful. What a blessing. Here there are no flowers in sight yet (wild flowers) but my kalanchoe is flowering still and as you can see on my blog, the aloe vera isn't far behind.
    I really laughed out loud at the joke with the dog biscuits. I know a person who would say something like that, and in my mind's eye I could hear her say it. Extra funny.
    Well stay safe and enjoy your weekend,

  5. Hi Annie, nice to see some colour in your garden. The dog food funny made me smile but if the person who wrote it can get dog food in the supermarket they will be doing well. Morrisons had hardly anything so we couldn't get dog biscuits it's crazy! Maisie was not amused. We have now managed to get some large Bonios which we'll have to try and break up into pieces. Hope you're managing to get what you need. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  6. I love all your flowers Annie, especially the one you have made your header for now.
    You must be missing seeing all your little people, especially Theo, but sadly it is time to think of our own health and safety.
    I smile sat your story. I have seen it before but it always makes me laugh. Kate x

  7. Gorgeous header pic Annie - keep smiling but don't be tempted by the dog food! xx Jo


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