Friday 6 March 2020

This week's smiles...week 361

This week we have been celebrating my darling hubby's birthday so we have had lots to smile about. His birthday was actually on Tuesday and we had Theo for a full day from 7am to 7pm so we had a trip to Legoland Discovery Centre in Birmingham as a treat for us all :-)  Here's a few of the photos I took while we were there.....

It was a perfect place to take a pre-school age child but I can honestly say us grown ups really enjoyed it too....I just wish it was there when I was a child because I loved my Lego :-) [still do].

I have a feeling Milly was pleased to see us when we got home because she found one of her favourite toys and brought it to my feet to use it as a pillow....either that or to trip me up if I thought of going away again.

I saw this on Facebook and thought I'd share it with you.
I had to giggle at it because many years ago we used to have a gold fish and one morning when we got up it wasn't in it's goldfish bowl!  The bowl was empty and you can just imagine our shock when we eventually found the gold fish under the edge of the settee on the carpet......We had no idea at all how it got there but just maybe this could be a clue?

If I've made you smile today please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and don't forget to link your smiles below before you go.
Annie x


  1. Happy belated birthday to your husband, Annie. It looks like he had a wonderful time at Legoland. I never got to play with legos, so this sounds like fun. We find our pets really DO miss us when we're gone, and even more so if they are used to us being with us day and night.

    Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend, Annie.

  2. Lego centre looks fab. Bet Theo loved it and of course you too!! xx Jo

  3. You tell us anything Lol! That visit to Legoland wasn't for Theo be honest it was for the bigger boy's birthday. Dear Milly what a sweetie she is. The Goldfish story doesn't surprise me at all. Although our fish in the pond have plenty of room they will still jump and sometimes despite the net manage to find the only hole which is what happened only last summer. They usually jump if they see an insect as they love to eat them so who knows maybe that was the reason your fish jumped out of the bowl, who knows. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  4. A belated happy birthday to your hubby. What a great idea to take him to Legoland in Birmingham! He enjoyed it, and so did little Theo, who was allowed to come along too! All joking apart, I'm sure it was great. I have also been to children's venues and have enjoyed it too.
    I am fascinated by the gold fish story I have never had a gold fish, so I don't know if they can jump. But the funny really made me smile. A caption could be: How to get rid of your gold fish husband.
    Milly is so sweet! I don't suppose she is used to being both away all day.
    Well, have a lovely weekend,

  5. Elizabeth sent me over from her post ~ I went to legoland in CA and we loved it too ~ Milly looks sweet! Enjoy your weekend! I'll follow your blog and see if I can add a smile entry soon.

  6. That sounds like a fun day out. I didn't know they had a Lego centre in Birmingham. perhaps it is new. A couple of my boys were real lego fans. They would have loved it. I am sure Theo loved it and I think Grandad is having a good time too.
    One of the nice things about animals is that they are so pleased to see us when we get home.
    I smiled at the fish story. We had goldfish that used to jump out of their aquarium too.
    Kate x

  7. Good morning! I'm a bit late getting 'round this week. Deep in studio dig out. I'd say while you had a great time, someone wishes he could have gone, too. ;-) Cute fish story! Creative Blessings! Kelly #27

  8. Very fun post! Love the fish out of water. I smiled a lot at your post!


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