Wednesday 30 October 2019


Another week has passed and it's been such a lovely week of celebrations [apart from the early morning call on Thursday and the trip to hospital with Shell of course....I will add that she is feeling a little better now thankfully].

On my desk today are more bears....

These are for a lady I've made bears before for [repeat orders are always special to me].  These are for other family members in memory of a much loved Dad and Grandfather....and I believe she wants me to make more yet :-)  Along with this request came this photo...

This customer actually lives out in Australia and, as you can see, some of the last bears I made for her have now found their way back to Australia with her.....I'm conquering the world slowly :-)

It really thrills me to think of the comfort that my bears give so many people all round the world.

As you know, I'm often asked to do jobs at the last minute and this cartoon really made me chuckle so thought I'd share it with you all.

I hope you are all well and enjoying life.  If you leave me a little message I will do my best to pay you a return visit but I will be having a busy day today [I may share pics on Friday if you want to see what I'm doing today] so it will be a little late this week.
Annie x


  1. Lovely bears Annie, look how you matched up those stripes not a pattern I enjoy working with. So nice to see the adoration on the face of one who has received.
    I'm intrigued at what you are up too today.. I hope no Frankenstein's will be harmed in the making hee hee! Happy WoywW Tracey #3

  2. Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. How lovely that the bears are bringing love worldwide. Happy day!

  3. I know what you mean about last minute requests lol. How great that your bears have made it down under Annie! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  4. I love the cartoon - we both fall into that category don't we. xxx Jo

  5. I missed last week's news about Michelle - poor girl, I get vertigo often and it's no fun at all. Hope she's feeling better now. I love going to the theatre and don't do it enough either!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  6. Lovely stories about your bears and it seems they are colonising OZ. Now I can see why I have poppies on my mind. :)
    Sandra de @9

  7. Oh that cartoon made me laugh and I know my friend Val will love it too as it quite often happens to her.
    How special that you are world famous with your bears now Annie
    Lynn xx 12

  8. Worldwide bears go you...Helen #8

  9. Your bears are so lovely. I'm sure they bring a lot of comfort and love - all around the world it seems! Happy WOYWW Cindy #23

  10. Had to chuckle at that funny, Annie. I think all of us with a sewing machine has had plenty of emergency jobs to do. Not to mention our own last minute jobs - I've finally altered those trousers! I've just found time to catch up with your Friday Smile - what a shock you had with Shell. Hope she's a lot better now. Alan had vertigo a few years ago and remember how sick he felt. Have a really good week ahead. Hugs, Ellie X #28

  11. You thought you were late well I've been out all day drinking coffee and eating scones so I'm on catch up now. The cartoon is perfect and loving the teddies too. Happy woyww and wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x17x

  12. Wishing you a very happy WOYWW for yesterday, the cartoon made me chuckle :0 Lovely bears.

  13. Hi Annie. Goodness me. You are indeed conquering the world! How lovely to know you work is right the way over in Australia! I remember John being amazed when we learned one of his scraperboard pictures was in Australia!
    Love the "and finally" - oh how I remember last minute marathons!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  14. An international flavour now - a bear down under!
    Love the cartoon Annie.
    Hugs, neet 10 xx

  15. Ah an Aussie Annie bear, wonderful indeed, Annie! I do love the two bears this week esp the pinstriped one!
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #2

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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