Wednesday 23 October 2019


You will all know that I love a challenge and this week I've been asked to get designing. [Sorry if you've already seen them].

On Sunday night I was asked if I could make a Memory Elephant....of course I could was my reply and Monday morning I got my roll of brown paper out and made a pattern for an Elephant and then of course went on to test it out and hey presto..... my new Memory Elephant.  At lunchtime I uploaded his picture on my Sewing by Annie Facebook page to introduce him with the other characters I make and was then asked if I made a Memory Monkey so I then had challenge number two.....

.....more brown paper cutting and hey presto by the end of the day I had made.....

....Memory Monkey....and he has been shared on my Facebook page yesterday to much excitement.  I have a feeling he's going to be very popular.  So now along side my Memory Bears I now offer a Memory Dog, a Memory Cat, a Memory Rabbit, a Memory Elephant and a Memory Monkey....and I love them all :-)

The other little share I have today is this one...

Here's the girls sat crossed legged on the floor on Saturday enjoying their knitting.  They can almost knit unaided now and are slowly progressing with their first knitted square that we are going to make into a little gives me so much pleasure passing on my skills to the next generation and they really love spending time with me so it's def a win win situation.
Annie x


  1. I love your new Memory designs - gorgeous, especially the elephant. Great pic of the girls knitting. and Happy Birthday! hope you have lots of fun planned for the day (and cake!) xx Helen #1

  2. I love your cute elephant...And the growuing up girls are so cute working on their project. Wanted to also wish you a VERY HappY BIrtHDaY...🎂🎂🎈🎈👍💌 Have a fantastic day.

  3. You are enormously innovative Annie and I’m loving the monkey 🐒
    Hope you get spoilt on your birthday. You deserve it dear lady xxx
    Lynn // 10

  4. Well done girls - nice work all round - love the Monkey! xx Jo

  5. Gosh the girls are growing up so fast - well done on the knitting ladies.
    Yes, I saw your memory animals on Facebook, think I ticked a "like" but I still think the Memory Bears will lead the way. How you manage to get the animals from a roll of paper I will never know. Well done!
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  6. Hi Annie. Happy birthday!!! I too love teaching crafts to my granddaughter's. Saw your post on FB. Love all your memory makes - the elephant is so cute - I love elephants! :-) Enjoy your special day. Anne X 15

  7. You clever stick. You may end up ditching the alterations for monkeys and bears! Lovely pic of the girly knitters, I agree, its marvellous that you pass on your skills and they’re jst happy to be doing what you can do..they have no idea yet how enriching and enabling all these things will be for them throughout their lives.

  8. It's nice that you diversified into other creatures than memory bears - they're so cute! The girls are lovely and they're lucky to have you to spend time with them. Thanks for your visit earlier Annie - it wasn't our cat that got posted but it's a true story that happened to a cat named Cupcake - it was in the news a few years ago. Luckily, she was ok! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #16

  9. I love your cute elephant! Such cute little girls and almost knitting on their own! Well done!
    Glenda #18

  10. I love your memory elephant and monkey. Such a wonderful project to be involved with x

  11. Happy Birthday xxx Love the cute elephant. Glad the girls can almost do the knitting themselves now - i remember teaching my daughter to knit - she was such a perfectionist that she would undo it every evening and i would have to cast on again the next day ha ha
    Have a good week.
    Soojay 26

  12. Well done to the girls. My gran attempted to teach me to knit and I made one little teddy scarf, but never did anything else! Love your new memory characters. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#6)

  13. You will soon have an entire Memory zoo, I do love the monkey, he's fun.
    Pleased to see the girls knitting, making a rabbit with the square sounds interesting.
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #11

  14. Hi Annie. Happy birthday! Hope you have had a great day. Well done on teaching your granddaughters to knit. My mother tried to teach me several times, but I never got the hang of it. As usual the memory elephant and memory monkey are delightful. I'm sure they will be very popular. Have a lovely week Heather xx #27

  15. Hi Annie, lovely to see the girls enjoying their knitting and the new Memory animals too. Wishing you a very happy though rather late woyww, Angela x13x

  16. You will soon have a Zoo load of characters Annie, they are just as wonderful.
    Lovely to see the girls enjoying their knitting, reminds me of my younger day with my Nan although knitting has never been a favoured craft of mine it was all about spending time with Nana.
    Thank you for sharing WoywW, always a pleasure to see. Hugs Tracey #3

  17. Love the two new characters for your memory collection Annie. Brilliant to see youngsters enjoying knitting so much too. I have fond memories of my grandmother teaching me to knit when I was 5. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  18. Hi Annie, fab to see the girlies clearly enjoying themselves! Love the Elephant & Monkey, you're getting a proper little zoo together! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  19. Oh your girls are growing up Annie and looking professional! Monkey and elephant too, well done!
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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