Friday 11 October 2019

This week's smiles....week 341

I've had a really busy week this week with sewing but have still had lots to smiles about so here's a few snaps that have made me smile....

These three went to the coast for the day on Saturday and sent me this photo to make me lollies!!

It's Stephen's 8th birthday this weekend but we wont see him as we are off on adventures in our motorhome so he had an early birthday present from us....its a Shrewsbury Town top with a zipped front and, as you can see it was a really hit.....I actually think his mummy may have to sneak it in the wash when he's at school cos he's not taken it off since :-)

On Tuesday we had a baking morning with little Theo and he proudly handed them around when we had a special visitor later.  Before he went home he suddenly said 'Can I have a cuddle Grandad?'.....don't you just love moments like that?

This photo of Lexi really made me smile....she is taking the shells off a bag of conkers.  I have really happy memories of doing the same as a child because we used to have a huge conker tree in the bottom of our garden so we always had the very best of conkers to play with.

I hope something I've shared has made you smile too.  Please leave me a little comment and then link up to your own smiles below....the more the merrier.
Annie x


  1. I want to apologize for not visiting anyone last week. Shortly after I linked up with you, I had a meltdown. I have apologized on my blog, but want to do the same here. I am SO sorry about the squirrel problem.

    I had NO idea what a conker is, so I looked it up and it's a game children play with the seeds of horse chestnut trees. HMMM. Must not have made it to this side of the pond (grin). Lexi looks like she is good at it, though.

    Sounds like you are having a wonderful week with lots of smiles from the grandchildren. I know that can be a true joy for you. Hope you have a super Friday and a great weekend, too.

  2. Love that photo of Hubby and Theo.... super cute

  3. Lovely to see the grandchildren. They are your pride and joy aren't they and a constant source of smiles.
    Stephen's top is great and he looks very pleased.
    I think we played with chestnuts too when I was a child. I don't remember the game of conkers though. That must have been a typical British thing. And we definitely did not have blue lollies!!
    Awww, love'im! Such a gorgeous photo of Theo and grandad cuddling.
    Have a lovely weekend in your campervan,
    keep smiling,

  4. I love all your photos but Theo and Grandad just melt my heart. Happy motorhoming.

  5. Great photos of the children, you're so lucky they're a lovely bunch. We used to play with conkers but we never took the shells off so maybe this is a different game to what I was used to. Loving the blue tongues too and bet the lollies taste better than they look. Happy smiley weekend, Angela xXx

  6. Brilliant pics of those lovelies! xx Jo

  7. Great photos of the Grandees again Annie. You have to wonder what they put in those lollies but I don't suppose it did them any harm as a one off.
    I was surprised that Elizabeth didn't know about conkers. They were so much a part of my children's school days. Then some silly person made them unacceptable in the school playground in case someone gets hurt. I am sure my boys came home with a good few bruised knuckles and just accepted it as part of the fun. But no doubt Lexi found plenty of opportunities to play with her friends.
    It is lovely to see Theo cuddling up with Grandad. Precious moments.
    Enjoy your ext adventure in the motor home. Kate x


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