Wednesday 17 April 2019


Another week has passed and we are creeping closer to our Crop10 celebrations. A lot have already put their names down to say they are coming [I think we are up to about 22 already :-)].  If you are planning on joining us and haven't already said how many of you are coming then can I ask that you please pop off to this post on Julia's blog at the Stamping Ground and check out the details....the more the merrier.  It should be a great party day of celebrations to celebrate 10 years of fun and friendship.

I've had a busy week so far here at Sewing by Annie's.  On my desk today is....

It's Easter holidays this week so Phoebe and Lulu have brought me their latest 11 badges earned between them for me to sew on so it's been more proud Nanny sewing for me....I love hearing what they had to do to earn each badge.

Monday morning saw this rather sad looking teddy bear arriving much in need of a this point I had already restuffed his legs with the stuffing from his tummy but I had to delve into my stuffing supplies to find enough stuffing to refill him....where does all the original stuffing go to?

Here he is all restuffed and looking rather pleased with himself don't you think?  His 9 year old owner had already had one night crying herself to sleep without him so I had to work fast and get him ready to go back by Monday afternoon....I'm sure there will be one happy little girl now.

The only other thing sitting on my desk this morning is this pack of fat in Aldi's this week and it just fell in my trolley.....there was actually several different packs so I was really restrained and only slipped one pack in my trolley!  These were the brightest and actually a little out of my comfort zone but I do like to challenge myself from time to time.

So there you go.  That's all from me for this week.  I have been busy making little gifts for all coming to the crop and have already made my draw prize but wont be sharing those with you.....can you tell I'm getting excited?  Really hope to see you all there.

Before I finish I would like to wish my darling hubby a very happy 37th Wedding Anniversary....and they said it wouldn't last ;-)  Thank you for the last 37 years and here's to our next adventure together as you retire in July....can't wait. xxxxx

Annie x


  1. that is one much happier looking bear! Happy anniversary to you and hubby! Helen #1

  2. Clever grandaughters to have won all those badges. Wow-those Aldi FQs are bright and I’ll look forward to seeing what you make. Catriona

  3. Great post - that bear is so huggable isn't he. xx Jo

  4. Dawww, that bear looks so much happier now - I bet the little girl was thrilled!! I love those FQs, might have to nip into Aldi myself... Many congrats on your anniversary, you'll be our 37th in Sept too!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  5. Congrats on your wedding anniversary - won't last - you are as solid as a rock you two lovebirds. You showed 'em!
    I must take a photo of my camp blanket with the badges I earned as a Girl Guide - and some I collected when I took my Rangers camping.
    Love the rejuvenated Teddy. Reminds me that I still have mine somewhere from when I was a child - so that is really really rally old! I an remember him being washed and pegged on the line on several occasions. I should look for him. Bet he is in need of a cuddle or two.
    ~Hugs, Neet 11 xx
    (22 - that's a lot - yippee)

  6. Hi Annie. Weyhey - Congratulations! That's fabulous. Enjoy your next adventure - what's it to be??? More travelling in the campervan?? I can't wait to get back into our caravan...
    Great teddy mend! He looks so much better. Where does the stuffing go, you ask... Absolutely no idea - but it does seem to be a fairly universal problem! Do you reckon there's a great big stuffing cloud somewhere???
    Looking forward to seeing you at the crop.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  7. Oh Annie, that teddy is adorable! So glad he's been given a new lease of life. It reminded me that my hubby gave me a panda a few years ago and he arrived really limp and understuffed, so I restuffed him, and put far too much in, and he was absolutely rigid and morbidly obese! I had to give him liposuction to make him more presentable! We both had such a laugh over it. We have several teddies in need of some seam repairs which need attending to. Time to get the curved needle out again...

    Wishing you a very happy anniversary! We are celebrating our 33rd next month, and it's also our kitties' 2nd birthday on that day!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  8. Can't wait for the crop Annie. Congratulations to Phoebe and Lulu on all their new badges! The bear certainly looks better for some new stuffing. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  9. Love the resurrected teddy! I have about 20 badges I need to sew onto Alex's scouts uniform - always a big chore for me as I hate sewing. I am very excited that I can come to the crop (and have signed up in the appropriate place) so I am very much looking forward to meeting you. Thanks for sharing and Happy Easter. Have a great week, with love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  10. Like you I like to hear what children have to do to earn those badges and it's so nice to see just how many they collect. You did a fabulous job on the teddy. I think the old stuffing goes nowhere, it just gets compressed with all the cuddling they get. Love the colours in the fat quarters - bright and beautiful. You were restrained. Once again, happy anniversary and we wish you many more happy years together. Hugs, Ellie X #30

  11. Nice assortment of photos. I like all of those badges, and the fat quarters (I'm not sure what that is: they look like journals). I'm glad you were able to repair the bear. I felt bad when you said she cried herself to sleep, but the bear looks great, so that will make her happy again.

  12. How sad the bear looked when you got him, so perky after you worked your magic. :-)
    Happy Anniversary. Anne x #18

  13. I think it's time for you to teach some of your grandchildren to sew their own badges on especially if they keep getting so many. It's only right that teddies should be looked after but he is one lucky bear as so many people don't bother. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x17x

  14. Thanks for your return visit, Annie, and I'm glad you enjoyed my panda story! I wish I could show you photos but those particular ones have disappeared off my old blog... Glad you like the new blog look. It's far from finished and so far I hate the look of it!!! I'm really struggling with the home page this evening and following an excellent Youtube tutorial but mine won't do what his does... I wish I knew what I was doing!

    Shoshi x

  15. Happy Anniversary Annie & Mr Annie..! That poor bear looked just like me in the morning and then me again after my first coffee of the day hee hee...!
    Proud Nanny moments sewing those well earned badges, well done girls.
    Happy woywW & Happy Easter Hugs Tracey #6

  16. You’ve obviously got a reputation as a bear lady - snigger, so easily mis-spelled! Wonderful restuffing job, he looks very much happier! I will de doing a post about crop and raffle and such things, it’s very much on my mind, honest! Love the achievements of the gals, hope Sam is coping with his busted collar bone. Poor likkle lad.


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