Friday 29 March 2019

This week's smiles....week 314

Wahoooo Spring is here so what's not to smile about?  I think this has to be my favourite season by far.  I'm surrounded by sprouting garden flowers and every field round about appears to be full of little lambs and new life.

We had a ride out in the motor home at the weekend and there really did seem to be new lambs everywhere I looked....and of course from the front seat in a motor home you can see over the hedges so I could see so many more than from a car.....I love the Motor home life.

I have a few pics to share with you but none of the lambs sorry.

Tuesday was a fun filled day spent with my hubby and little Theo.  I really love this photo because they were deep in conversation about what they were making and it was all the more special because the K'nex they were playing with belonged to Theo's daddy, Mark and I have very happy memories of him playing with it too.

Lexi and Sam came for an hour after school on Wednesday while their mummy was at their parents evening....the Lego is always something they all love playing with and some of that was mine when I was very long lasting isn't it?  :-) 

These little violets are just outside my sewing room door and they make me smile every time I look at them.  As a child I always picked a few of the first primroses and violets for my Nan so these hold very special memories for me.

Last week I included a pic of the very first tulip in the garden but now they are opening our everywhere and there are red, yellow and cream ones too....just gorgeous.

This is a tree we planted in our back garden just a couple of years ago and I couldn't resist snapping this pic yesterday when I noticed it was all coming out into bloom....just look at that blue sky behind it!!!  There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

There you go.  Maybe you can see why I love Spring?  I hope I've made you smile too.
Annie x


  1. Ah, baby lambs. Sounds nice. I've only seen them at the fair, never in a field. The ones I've seen are raised for their wool, not their mutton.

    I've never heard of K'nex, but I have heard of Legos. Looks like you had a full week with grandchildren.

    Your flowers are beautiful. I found a tulip bud yesterday and a couple of hyacinths in full bloom, too. Your violets are gorgeous, My grandmother would have loved that photo.

    Have a super Friday and a great weekend, too, dear Annie.

  2. Spring is lovely to see. Looking over hedges is one of those advantages of a motor home that nobody tells you but is great to discover. (I remember it was wonderful discovering that)
    I love those tiny tulips, aren’t they gorgeous.
    I have not heard of K’nex but my sister and I used to play with LEGO and I think we still got it somewhere.
    I really enjoyed all the new life in your post. It made me smile.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. Lovely to see the little ones , and Grandpa, playing with the bricks. My boys loved K'nex and they built a huge roller-coaster that took up all the floor space in their bedroom. Lego was also a firm favourite and my older boys passed theirs on to their little brothers, and they ended up at my nursery for the after-school club when we moved out here. Before our son Tom lived in Denmark he often commuted there for work and stayed in the Lego hotel where every room has a crate of bricks for children and adults alike to 'play' with.
    As a child I too was taken for walks by my older sister Dorothy, and we picked primroses and violets for Mum, and also to make little posies for each child to give to their mother at church on Mothering Sunday. Now they are all protected and you aren't allowed to pick them.
    I miss the little lambs in the fields around Shrewsbury. I love the way they prance around. We don't have any sheep here as there is little or no grass, but there are lots of flocks of goats who will eat anything, and their kids are very cute too.
    Your garden is lovely as ever. I am torn between Spring and Autumn as my favourite season, but it is nice to feel we are leaving winter behind. Kate x

  4. Hi Annie,

    Your grandchildren are growing up so fast but then maybe thats because ive not seen pics of them for nearly a year.
    I still have lego from my childhood too, its wonderful stuff.
    Gill x

  5. Have you sent those adoption papers in yet for me to join your clan. Such a happy home.
    Please can we have some pics of Milly, I’m getting withdrawal symptoms haha xxx

  6. Fab Spring pics - it's glorious here today isn't it - been cleaning windows!! xx Jo

  7. I'm here Annie, just got back from the Gym....well not quite true as I've been in the shower too so don't worry it's all clean at this end. Pleased to hear you've seen new lambs as we kept looking but hadn't seen any yet. Lovely photos of the family and the pretty flowers too. I'm off tomorrow for a crafty workshop with a lady called Martine Smith at our craft club so looking forward to that. You mentioned in your comment to me about being back in the warm but to be honest it wasn't cold there. Obviously you dress for it and you wouldn't walk around in shorts but the sun was out all week, the snow was softening in the afternoon but we got more overnight so the skiing was good too. Having said that the week before was not so good, we were just lucky this time. Have a great weekend, hugs Angela xXx

  8. Oh wish I could come to visit NOW.. Your photos are gorgeous. Last night it snowed 2 inches again...crazy weather, I even put a blanket back on the bed. Today maybe 50/60's Crazy weather here.


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